Tuesday, June 30, 2020

I Corinthians 4

In Corinthians 4 Paul continues to address the arrogant attitude that had caused the church in Corinth to think that they were wise and powerful and great.  He reminded them already that they had been saved by "God's doing".. not by their own wisdom or will.   Paul urges the believers to imitate his own attitude and way of life "in union with the Messiah Yeshua". 

Paul asked the believers to consider him "Messiah's servant". ( v1)
He wanted to be found "trustworthy" as a "trustee of God's secret truths". ( v2)
He would be "evaluated" not by the church but by the Lord. (v4)

They would all be evaluated individually but the Lord who would "expose the motives of people's hearts; and then each receive from God whatever praise he deserves." (v5)

Paul compared himself and Apollos and other leaders to those reading his letter.  The people were boasting of their wealth, their power, their strength, and their honor.. while the apostles and evangelists were "spectacles" - hungry, thirsty, dressed in rags, dishonored, weak, exhausted, cursed, and persecuted. 

Paul is about to confront the church in Corinth about the sinfulness that they were allowing in the church. They were worldly and arrogant. Their focus needed to change. He loved them and wanted them to walk in Truth and to fix their eyes on Jesus!  We need that same message in the world today... 

Father in heaven, open our eyes to see and our ears to hear Your Word to the church.  May we be faithful and trustworthy servants of our Lord Jesus Christ.  May we walk in humility and love.  May we recognize that You alone are the Judge of our hearts and that our lives must first and foremost please You- in all we do, say, and think.  Grant us the attitude of Christ Jesus, who gave Himself for us, humbling Himself to take on the "form of a slave" and enduring the cross.  Raise up the church in America, Lord, and may the word of God spread rapidly and be glorified in our land today.  We ask this in the name of the One who holds it all.. Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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