Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Joshua 5 -6

After crossing the Jordan, the Israelites set up a camp in a place they called Gilgal.  There the Lord instructed Joshua to circumcise those that had not been circumcised during the 40 years of wilderness traveling.  This was done as commanded. The Lord said, "Today I have rolled off from you the stigma ( the reproach, disgrace)  of Egypt."

It was a new beginning for Israel. They had entered the new land and were finally shedding the past-  the years of slavery and oppression.  The next thing that happened was a celebration of Passover.  A reminder of the day they left Egypt and a look forward to the new life that God was giving them.

The next day the manna stopped and they ate from the grain that was growing in the plains of Jericho.

It is here in this place that Joshua meets "the commander of Adonai's army".  This was not an angel for He accepted Joshua's worship as he fell on his face and bowed before Him.  He told Joshua to remove his sandals "for the place where you are standing is holy."  And Joshua did so.

The defeat of Jericho was the work of God.  It was His "battle"  from beginning to end. Israel needed to learn that the Lord was the Victor. The spoils of Jericho were to be totally given to the Lord, a first-fruits of all the land that was being given to Israel.  In complete obedience, Israel walked around the walls of Jericho, the Levites blew the shofars and carried the ark.  On the 7th day they walked around the walls 7 times and then shouted at the command of Joshua... and the walls came tumbling down!

It is an amazing story of the power of God, the wisdom of God, and the judgement of God.
His plans and purposes are greater than we can comprehend.  His ways are higher and His thoughts are not our thoughts at all!

What can we take away from this passage?
We can know that  our God is all powerful.. powerful enough to take care of us and to bring victory over every enemy.... even microscopic ones!
We can know that Jesus is our Captain and that He will lead us in His ways, which may be completely different than what we imagine.
And we can know that our God is wise - only He can devise the perfect plan and "achieve those ends by the most perfect means" ( Tozer)

Father in heaven, blessed is Your Name!  Thank You for revealing Yourself to us through Your Word.
Come fill your people with Your Spirit so that we will walk in faith, trusting You from beginning to end;  that we will love You and love one another, and that we will look up, ready for the coming of our Lord Jesus, our blessed Hope. May Your perfect will be done! Help us in our weaknesses and neediness, Lord God. Bring peace and healing to our hearts.  Be glorified in Your church.
We worship You, the One True God, the Lord of heaven above and the earth below.  All praise and honor and glory to You, Lord. Amen.

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