Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Joshua 15-21

These seven chapters of Joshua (15-21) describe the division of the land according to each tribe's inheritance.  Every tribe then gave a portion of the cities and land to the Levites for their use and for cities of refuge.   The cities of refuge were located throughout the land so that no one would have to travel far if they needed to take refuge there.

Several tribes had difficulty driving out the Canaanites and instead forced them to be their slaves.  Several tribes had to take more land for themselves and Judah actually had too much land, so part of it went to Simeon.

At the end of chapter 21 we find this summery, " So Adonai gave Israel all the land which he swore to give to their ancestors, and they took possession of it and lived in it. Then Adonai gave them rest all around, according to everything he and sworn to their ancestors. Not a man from all their enemies stood against them;  Adonai handed all enemies over to them.  Not one good thing that Adonai had spoken of to the household of Israel failed to happen; it all took place." 

What a wonderful reminder we have through this Word - that all God says He will do - He does!
And all He does is good!   Let me share another portion of Tozer's book, The Knowledge of the Holy:

"The  goodness of God is that which disposes Him to be kind, cordial, benevolent, and full of good will toward men. He is tenderhearted and of quick sympathy, and His unfailing attitude toward all moral beings is open, frank, and friendly. By His nature He is inclined to bestow blessedness and He takes holy pleasure in the happiness of His people."

He goes on to say that if we want to know what the goodness of God is like, we only need to look at Jesus, "From Him we learn how God acts toward people...
 the penitent will find Him merciful; 
the self-condemned will find Him generous and kind. 
To the frightened He is friendly, 
to the poor in spirit He is forgiving,
to the ignorant, considerate,
to the weak, gentle,
to the stranger, hospitable." 

Father in heaven,  help us to rest and rejoice in Who You are.. in Your goodness, in Your wisdom, in Your faithfulness, and in Your infinite Being.  You are God alone and our faith can rest in You for every need, every day and every hour. We cry out to You for mercy and healing, for we are living in a time of trouble in our land.  You are our help and You are our Rock, Lord God, and it is to You that we cling.  We want to be obedient to Your Word that exhorts us to be anxious for nothing...so in everything by prayers and petitions, with thanksgiving - we make our requests known to You.  We pray for wisdom and discernment.  We pray for revival and renewal.  We pray for Your peace, that peace that is past our understanding, to fill our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  In His name we come. Amen. 

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