Monday, July 27, 2020

Joshua 11-14

Joshua 11-14

Joshua led the army of Israel as the Lord ordered him.  Every battle was won because God gave the land into the hands of Joshua and his army.  Finally, "the land rested from war" ( 11:23)  Chapter 12 gives the list of 31 kings who were defeated.

Chapter 13 starts with this statement, "Now Joshua was old; the years had taken their toll."  Joshua was 103 years old according to the CJB commentary.  He had accomplished a lot, but there was still much to be done. Joshua was instructed to divide the land according to the tribes. This would be done by lots. Joshua died at the age of 110.  His testimony is recorded in chapters 23-24,  but let me just quote one verse here, "Now behold, today I am going the way of all the earth and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the Lord your God spoke concerning you has failed; all have been fulfilled for you, not one of them has failed." 

In chapter 14 we see Caleb, now 85 years old, come to Joshua to ask for the parcel of land that God would give to him.  Caleb's testimony is simple: "I followed Adonai my God completely... Today I am eighty-five years old, but I am as strong today as on the day Moses sent me.. "

Joshua and Caleb were the only men left who had lived through the 40 years of wilderness wandering.  They had remained faithful and served Adonai through it all.  God was faithful to bring them into the Promised Land.  He gave them an inheritance for their families. What wonderful examples to follow!

Father in heaven, You are altogether faithful.  We can absolutely trust that You will do exactly as You say You will.  May we have the kind of faith and perseverance that Joshua and Caleb had; to be able to say at the end of our lives, "We have followed the Lord our  God completely" ( by Your grace)  and that "we have seen that not one of Your good words have failed."  We have such little faith sometimes, Lord.  Forgive us and help us to "have a correct view of truth.. daring to believe everything that You have said about Yourself."  ( Tozer) You will fulfill every promise  to us who trust in Jesus Christ.  Great is Your faithfulness!  All glory and honor and thanksgiving we offer to You in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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