Friday, July 31, 2020

2 Corinthians 2   Paul loved the church at Corinth. He was distressed when they were allowing sin.. allowing the Adversary.. to cause disunity and strife.  He wanted to come to them with rejoicing, not discipline.  But, the church did follow Paul's instructions and dealt with the problem as they should.  Now, Paul taught - forgive, restore, encourage and comfort the repentant sinner.

How is it that we are quick to point fingers at those who fall, but slow to forgive and restore the one who repents?  It is hard to trust someone again after they have fallen... yet we all have stumbled at one point or another.  Perhaps the one we fail to trust or forgive is our loved one.. or even.. ourself.  Paul's teaching is for us too , to- "forgive.. encourage.. comfort" .  

Verse 14 " But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place." This is an excellent word to pray for those who minister the Word of God.

Father in heaven, bless Your servants who preach the Word, near or far, that as they preach the truth of Jesus Christ - it will be a sweet aroma that leads to life and salvation .  Have mercy on those who are now lost and blind, those who smell only death... for only by the power of Your mighty Hand can these be found, receive their sight, and brought to life again..  Send workers into Your harvest fields, Lord, to speak the Words of Life and may the fruit of changed lives bring glory and honor to Your holy Name. Amen.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

2 Corinthians 1

Back to the NT - 2 Corinthians 1

Paul gives praise to  God, the Father.. "compassionate Father, God of all encouragement and comfort; who encourages (comforts) us in all our trials, so that we can encourage (comfort) others in whatever trials they may be undergoing with the encouragement (comfort) we ourselves received from God." 

This word "encouragement" or "comfort" comes from the Greek word parakaleo - "to call near, invite, exhort, invoke, pray, implore, console."  We recognize the word parakletos - which Jesus used for the Holy Spirit in John 16:7 "...  if I do not go away, the Helper ( the parakletos) shall not come to you but if I go I will send Him to you.. ".

So, we could say - our compassionate Father, who comes near to us- to encourage, comfort, console and help us.. who gives us His comfort - calling us near to Him in prayer, exhorting us through His Word, and filling us with His Spirit - helps us in our trials... that we might help others in theirs.  We  can come near to them, pray for them,  share the Word with them, and help them by the power of God's Spirit at work in us.

Paul goes on to do exactly this!  He and his team had gone through some great trials.  "The burden laid on us was so far beyond what we could bear.. In our hearts we felt we were under sentence of death."   They certainly needed the nearness and comfort and help from God - and He provided!
".. this was to get us to rely not on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead! He rescued us from such deadly peril and he will rescue us again! The one in whom we have placed our hope will indeed continue to rescue us."  

May we also be comforted, encouraged, and drawn near to our heavenly Father by daring to believe that this is Truth for us too!   We may feel we are "under sentence of death".. that the "burden" is too hard to bear; that these trials are too much.  We must not forget- indeed may we rejoice and give thanks -  that we have a God who never changes, a God of compassion, who never leaves us or forsakes us, and who will rescue us.. again and again!  May we encourage and comfort one another with these Truths!

Father in heaven,  praise to You, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who fulfills every promise in Him!  We rely on You, not ourselves, for every need in the trials of our lives.. for You are the God who raises the dead.  There is nothing that You cannot do!   Your mercy is.. "an infinite and inexhaustible energy within the divine nature which disposes [You] to be actively compassionate." (Tozer) -towards us! May we never forget, never forsake, and never turn away from Your great mercy, freely bestowed upon us in Jesus Christ our Lord. We put our hope in You alone!  Amen and amen!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Joshua 22-24

Joshua 22-24  Israel had taken possession of the land and had found rest from their enemies.  Joshua gives leave to the soldiers belonging to Reuben, Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh to go home, on the other side of the Jordan. They are warned to stay faithful to Adonai, "following all his ways, observe his laws, cling to him and serve him with all your heart and being."   Wanting to make sure that they were included in the nation of Israel, the men built an altar to the Lord.  This caused an uprising among the other tribes because they were afraid that it would bring judgement over the whole nation.  This misunderstanding was cleared up as they vowed to obey God alone.

Joshua gives a farewell address to all of Israel reminding them of all that God had done, starting with Abraham's calling out of Ur and up to the provision of this promised land. He challenged the people to "choose today whom you are going to serve."  Over and over again the swear to serve Adonai.

Joshua is 110 years old when he dies and is buried in the land that was his inheritance. He had made his choice to serve the Lord, his God.  He remained faithful throughout his whole life.

Today.. and every day.. we make a choice to serve, worship, cling to, and obey the Lord our God.
We make that choice by never giving His place to any other.. even to our own egos.  He is the only One worthy of our worship and our service. May we be faithful to serve Him all the days of our lives.

Father, we know that You alone are worthy of worship.  We will give no place to any other.  You are holy and righteous.  You are Infinite and Amighty God.  May we be men and women who serve You with all of our hearts and beings. Thank You for bringing us into Your Kingdom, to be Your people who have entered into the rest of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Joshua 15-21

These seven chapters of Joshua (15-21) describe the division of the land according to each tribe's inheritance.  Every tribe then gave a portion of the cities and land to the Levites for their use and for cities of refuge.   The cities of refuge were located throughout the land so that no one would have to travel far if they needed to take refuge there.

Several tribes had difficulty driving out the Canaanites and instead forced them to be their slaves.  Several tribes had to take more land for themselves and Judah actually had too much land, so part of it went to Simeon.

At the end of chapter 21 we find this summery, " So Adonai gave Israel all the land which he swore to give to their ancestors, and they took possession of it and lived in it. Then Adonai gave them rest all around, according to everything he and sworn to their ancestors. Not a man from all their enemies stood against them;  Adonai handed all enemies over to them.  Not one good thing that Adonai had spoken of to the household of Israel failed to happen; it all took place." 

What a wonderful reminder we have through this Word - that all God says He will do - He does!
And all He does is good!   Let me share another portion of Tozer's book, The Knowledge of the Holy:

"The  goodness of God is that which disposes Him to be kind, cordial, benevolent, and full of good will toward men. He is tenderhearted and of quick sympathy, and His unfailing attitude toward all moral beings is open, frank, and friendly. By His nature He is inclined to bestow blessedness and He takes holy pleasure in the happiness of His people."

He goes on to say that if we want to know what the goodness of God is like, we only need to look at Jesus, "From Him we learn how God acts toward people...
 the penitent will find Him merciful; 
the self-condemned will find Him generous and kind. 
To the frightened He is friendly, 
to the poor in spirit He is forgiving,
to the ignorant, considerate,
to the weak, gentle,
to the stranger, hospitable." 

Father in heaven,  help us to rest and rejoice in Who You are.. in Your goodness, in Your wisdom, in Your faithfulness, and in Your infinite Being.  You are God alone and our faith can rest in You for every need, every day and every hour. We cry out to You for mercy and healing, for we are living in a time of trouble in our land.  You are our help and You are our Rock, Lord God, and it is to You that we cling.  We want to be obedient to Your Word that exhorts us to be anxious for in everything by prayers and petitions, with thanksgiving - we make our requests known to You.  We pray for wisdom and discernment.  We pray for revival and renewal.  We pray for Your peace, that peace that is past our understanding, to fill our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  In His name we come. Amen. 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Joshua 11-14

Joshua 11-14

Joshua led the army of Israel as the Lord ordered him.  Every battle was won because God gave the land into the hands of Joshua and his army.  Finally, "the land rested from war" ( 11:23)  Chapter 12 gives the list of 31 kings who were defeated.

Chapter 13 starts with this statement, "Now Joshua was old; the years had taken their toll."  Joshua was 103 years old according to the CJB commentary.  He had accomplished a lot, but there was still much to be done. Joshua was instructed to divide the land according to the tribes. This would be done by lots. Joshua died at the age of 110.  His testimony is recorded in chapters 23-24,  but let me just quote one verse here, "Now behold, today I am going the way of all the earth and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the Lord your God spoke concerning you has failed; all have been fulfilled for you, not one of them has failed." 

In chapter 14 we see Caleb, now 85 years old, come to Joshua to ask for the parcel of land that God would give to him.  Caleb's testimony is simple: "I followed Adonai my God completely... Today I am eighty-five years old, but I am as strong today as on the day Moses sent me.. "

Joshua and Caleb were the only men left who had lived through the 40 years of wilderness wandering.  They had remained faithful and served Adonai through it all.  God was faithful to bring them into the Promised Land.  He gave them an inheritance for their families. What wonderful examples to follow!

Father in heaven, You are altogether faithful.  We can absolutely trust that You will do exactly as You say You will.  May we have the kind of faith and perseverance that Joshua and Caleb had; to be able to say at the end of our lives, "We have followed the Lord our  God completely" ( by Your grace)  and that "we have seen that not one of Your good words have failed."  We have such little faith sometimes, Lord.  Forgive us and help us to "have a correct view of truth.. daring to believe everything that You have said about Yourself."  ( Tozer) You will fulfill every promise  to us who trust in Jesus Christ.  Great is Your faithfulness!  All glory and honor and thanksgiving we offer to You in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Joshua 9-10

Joshua 9

All the kings in the land of Canaan joined together to fight against Israel. But, the Gibeonites decided to use a different strategy.  They pretended to be travelers from far away, dressed in worn out clothes and even carried dried up bread and worn out wineskins to make it look like they had traveled a long time.   They fooled Joshua and the leaders of Israel into making a covenant with them.  Joshua failed to consult the Lord before making this covenant, even though he was suspicious.  The Gibeonites became slaves to Israel.  Gibeon also became an enemy of the other kings because of this and war came to them.

Chapter 10

 Beginning with the attack on Gibeon, Israel began to attack and conquer the land.  City after city fell to Joshua and his army.  The Lord delivered the enemies into the hands of Israel.  He even used great hailstones to destroy armies and made the sun stop moving to help them during a battle.

Joshua knew that Adonai, the God of Israel "fought for Israel".  None of this would have been possible without the Lord's presence and power working His plan for them.

Like Joshua and the leaders of Israel we can be easily deceived if we are not careful to consult the Lord about our decisions.  Like Joshua, we can trust the Lord to do what He has said He would do - knowing He will fight for us to accomplish His will in us.  How blessed we are to know that our God is able to do anything!  He is with us and He is for us when we trust Him and obey His Word. Nothing is too hard for Jesus!

Father in heaven, may we be more aware of Your nearness to us and Your love and care for us.  You are here, beside us, in us, and around us - each of us;  for You are the Lord God Omnipotent and Omnipresent.  Help us to grasp and stand on these truths so that we can stand firm in You.  In Jesus' name we pray. amen.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Joshua 7-8

Joshua 7  Jericho was a great victory for Israel, completely accomplished by God's powerful and gracious hand.  Everything that was recovered from Jericho was supposed to be given to the Lord, an offering of the "firstfruits" of the land.

Achan from the tribe of Judah, sinned by taking some of the goods for himself.  A beautiful robe, 5 pounds of silver shekels, and a wedge of gold.
Because of Achan's greed and failure to fear God:

"The anger of Adonai blazed up against the people of Israel."
The army sent to take Ai was defeated.
Thirty-six men from Israel were killed.
Achan, his entire family, all his livestock, and the things he had stolen - were all destroyed.

Joshua 8

After the stoning and burning of Achan and his possessions, the Lord sent Joshua to conquer Ai.
This time it was the Lord who would hand over Ai, not the boasting army of 3000 Israelite soldiers.
This time it was 30.000 men sent to lie in wait behind the city and the rest of Israel in front to set a trap.
This time all of the spoils of the land were given to the people of Israel for their own.

If only Achan had waited on the Lord.
If only he had trusted the Lord a bit longer.
If only he had really known and feared the Lord so that he had obeyed.

After the victory over Ai, Joshua set up and altar and presented burnt and peace offerings to the Lord.
He brought all the people together and read every word of the Law to them..
"There was not a word of everything Moses had ordered that Joshua did not read before all Israel assembled, including the women, the little ones and the foreigners living with them." 
They all needed to remember who their God was!

Achan saw something he wanted and he took it.  He confessed his sins when he was found out, but it was too late.  He was condemned and died.  We all need to be reminded of how easy it is to fall into temptation - to take what we want; to do what we shouldn't; to forget that God sees everything.  We forget that God holds each of us accountable for everything we do.  We need to learn from Achan's failure:

We need to wait on the Lord... believing that He will provide all we need.
We need to trust the Lord.. for His timing is always perfect. 
We need to know the Lord and to fear Him.  Another quote from Tozer's book, The Knowledge of the Holy:  "When men no longer fear God, they transgress His laws without hesitation. The fear of consequences is no deterrent when the fear of God is gone."  This was Achan's failure.

Tozer continued, "In olden days men of faith were said to 'walk in the fear of God' and to 'serve the Lord with fear'. However intimate their communion with God, however bold their prayers, at the base of their religious life was the conception of God as awesome and dreadful. This idea of God transcendent runs through the whole Bible.. This fear of God was more than a natural apprehension of danger; it was a non rational dread, an acute feeling of personal insufficiency in the presence of God the Almighty".

Father in heaven, forgive us for our lack of knowledge that has led us to an absence of fear, the true fear of You, the Almighty and Transcendent God.  Help us to trust You fully.  Help us to wait upon You completely. Help us to worship You in fear and trembling.. and in love and submission.  Have Your way in us today Lord. For all honor and glory and power is Yours. We are Your people, the creation of Your hand.  Yet, You have made us Your children. How can this be?  What great love and kindness You have lavished upon us. Thank You Lord.  We come before You, wrapped in the righteousness of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who intercedes for us. Amen.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Joshua 5 -6

After crossing the Jordan, the Israelites set up a camp in a place they called Gilgal.  There the Lord instructed Joshua to circumcise those that had not been circumcised during the 40 years of wilderness traveling.  This was done as commanded. The Lord said, "Today I have rolled off from you the stigma ( the reproach, disgrace)  of Egypt."

It was a new beginning for Israel. They had entered the new land and were finally shedding the past-  the years of slavery and oppression.  The next thing that happened was a celebration of Passover.  A reminder of the day they left Egypt and a look forward to the new life that God was giving them.

The next day the manna stopped and they ate from the grain that was growing in the plains of Jericho.

It is here in this place that Joshua meets "the commander of Adonai's army".  This was not an angel for He accepted Joshua's worship as he fell on his face and bowed before Him.  He told Joshua to remove his sandals "for the place where you are standing is holy."  And Joshua did so.

The defeat of Jericho was the work of God.  It was His "battle"  from beginning to end. Israel needed to learn that the Lord was the Victor. The spoils of Jericho were to be totally given to the Lord, a first-fruits of all the land that was being given to Israel.  In complete obedience, Israel walked around the walls of Jericho, the Levites blew the shofars and carried the ark.  On the 7th day they walked around the walls 7 times and then shouted at the command of Joshua... and the walls came tumbling down!

It is an amazing story of the power of God, the wisdom of God, and the judgement of God.
His plans and purposes are greater than we can comprehend.  His ways are higher and His thoughts are not our thoughts at all!

What can we take away from this passage?
We can know that  our God is all powerful.. powerful enough to take care of us and to bring victory over every enemy.... even microscopic ones!
We can know that Jesus is our Captain and that He will lead us in His ways, which may be completely different than what we imagine.
And we can know that our God is wise - only He can devise the perfect plan and "achieve those ends by the most perfect means" ( Tozer)

Father in heaven, blessed is Your Name!  Thank You for revealing Yourself to us through Your Word.
Come fill your people with Your Spirit so that we will walk in faith, trusting You from beginning to end;  that we will love You and love one another, and that we will look up, ready for the coming of our Lord Jesus, our blessed Hope. May Your perfect will be done! Help us in our weaknesses and neediness, Lord God. Bring peace and healing to our hearts.  Be glorified in Your church.
We worship You, the One True God, the Lord of heaven above and the earth below.  All praise and honor and glory to You, Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Joshua 3-4

The Lord directed Joshua to prepare the people of Israel to cross the Jordan into the promised land.  The directions were given and followed completely.  This "wonder" of stopping the waters of a flooded Jordan accomplished several things:

3:7 " Adonai said to Joshua, 'Starting today, I will make you great in full view of all Israel; so that they will know that just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you.' "  
The Lord pronounced a personal relationship with Joshua and confirmed His choice of Joshua as a leader for Israel.

3:10 "Here is how you will know that the living God is here with you..
The Lord used these events to confirm to all of Israel that He was with them and desired an ongoing relationship with them as His people for all generations.

4: 24 "From this all the peoples of the earth can know that the hand of Adonai is strong, and you can fear Adonai your God forever." 
The Lord desired "all the people of the earth" to know Him.

Our relationship with our heavenly Father needs to be a personal, one on one, intimate relationship.  We must commit ourselves to hear His voice and to follow His directions, even as Joshua did.
We are also called to be His church - the Body of Christ. So, we need, as a church to encourage and build up one another in faith, in hope, and in love, so that we will "know that the living God is here with [us]"
And, we must continue to live in obedience and faithfulness to tell every generation that "the hand of Adonai is strong."  He is almighty, omnipotent, and there is nothing that our God cannot do!

Tozer wrote this regarding the omnipotence of God, "Omnipotence is not a name given to the sum of all power, but an attribute of a personal God whom we Christians believe to be the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and of all who believe on Him to life eternal. The worshiping man finds this knowledge a source of wonderful strength for his inner life. His faith rises to take the great leap upward into the fellowship of Him who can do whatever He wills to do, for whom nothing is hard or difficult because He possesses power absolute."  May we also have faith in our God of "limitless power".

Father, You are almighty and glorious is every way.  You are infinite and never changing!  How we praise You and give thanks that we are able to call You our Father, by the grace poured out on the cross of Jesus Christ .  Father, engage every one of our hearts in this deep and intimate personal relationship with Yourself.  Draw us nearer!  Sanctify and purify Your church and fill us with Your Spirit that we might stand together through every trial and storm.  And Father, we pray for our nation and all nations, that they might join themselves with You and be Your people. You are able to do all things and there is nothing too hard for You.  We ask for healing for our land, Lord God.  Be exalted and glorified as You do a mighty work in us, we pray, in Jesus' name. amen.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Joshua 2

Joshua sent two spies to check out Jericho.  We know the story.. they end up at Rahab's home; she hides them and sends the soldiers out on a wild goose chase; she extracts a promise from them to rescue her and her family when they take Jericho; and they give her a scarlet cord to place in her window so that she will be spared along with everyone in her home. 

 The conditions of the agreement between the spies and Rahab were three-fold:

First, Rahab had to tie the scarlet cord in her window. An act of faith. 

Secondly, Rahab was told to gather her family together. All who came in would be rescued.  Anyone of her family that stayed outside of the door would not be saved.  An act of evangelism. 

Thirdly, Rahab had to keep silent about the spies "business". An act of courage. 

Rahab recognized and acknowledged that Adonai, God of Israel is "God in heaven above and on the earth below."  She was certain that God had already given Israel the land.  She decided to put her faith in the people of God and made this agreement with them.  She was saved and blessed because of these choices she made. "But Joshua spared Rahab the prostitute, her father's household and everything she had; and she has continued living with Israel from then until now; because she hid the messengers.. " (6:25)

Truly this account shows us that God looks on the heart and not on the outward appearance.. or past failures..  of people. ( Praise the Lord!)    It was not a coincidence that the spies came to Rahab's house. She was chosen to become one of God's own children;  He seemed to have already brought her to faith before the 2 spies had even shown up.  Because of her, all of her family members that were willing were also saved from destruction on that day.  Rahab's decision also brought her into a life that she could not have imagined. She married Salmon. She had a son named Boaz.  Boaz married a woman named Ruth.  They produced a son, Obed.. a grandson named Jesse, and a great-grandson named David.. the king of Israel. 

The Lord is speaking to us through this ancient account... We, also, need to act in faith, putting our full trust in the One whose blood ran red for us.  May we boldly proclaim the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We need to also bring in others - especially our families - telling them the way to salvation, inviting them  to (and  praying they will) come "inside"; into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. And, thirdly, we also are called to be courageous - standing up.. standing firm.. being bold and strong in the strength of our God, so that we can be all that He has planned for us to be.  No matter what our pasts may be.. we have a glorious future ahead with Jesus our Lord.. for all eternity. 

Father, You are God in heaven above and on the earth below.  We come to You and pray for Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Let Your kingdom come!  Save us, save our families, and Lord save our country from the evil one. Bring revival to our land, Lord God.  We look to You alone, for You are our Help and our Salvation. We pray in the powerful name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  Amen. 

Friday, July 17, 2020

Joshua 1

The Lord speaks to Joshua after the death of Moses, commanding him to "Be strong, be bold.."  He will lead Israel across the Jordan to possess the land that God is giving them.  Adonai, the Lord, promised Joshua, "I will be with you, I will neither fail you nor abandon you." ( v5) and "Adonai your God is with you wherever you go." (v9)  

Joshua was exhorted to "Only be strong and very bold in taking care to follow all the Torah ... do not turn from it either to the right or to the left, then you will succeed wherever you go. Yes, keep this book of the Torah on your lips, and meditate on it day and night, so that you will take care to act according to everything written in it." ( v7-9)

Be strong.  Be bold. Be careful. 

Be strong - the Hebrew word used here is chazaq - its definition is interesting - to fasten upon, to seize, obstinate, to bind, restrain, conquer, be courageous; prevail, behave valiantly;   It reminds me of Paul's closing remarks to the Corinthians ". behave like men, grow strong.." ( 16:13)

Be bold - the Hebrew word here is amats -to be alert; courageous, steadfastly minded; prevail; be strong. 

Be careful- observe - hedge about; guard, protect, attend to; take heed; keep; preserve - .. to do according to the Law - this is repeated twice.  Follow ALL the Law;  Act according to the Law. 

Only then would they succeed and prosper.  To have success / to prosper ( both come from the same Hebrew word - [sakal-]- to be circumspect and hence, intelligent;  to be expert; skillful, to have understanding and wisdom; 

It is in knowing and doing the Word of God that we find true success; for God's way is the way of true Wisdom. This cannot be done lightly or half-heartedly.  These commands of the Lord are powerful, forceful and authoritative commands!  We need our Lord to be with us wherever we are, to never abandon or fail us - so that we can be strong, wise, courageous, and successful.  And we must continually meditate on His Word.. have it on our lips.. in our hearts.. filling our thoughts - so that we can DO according to His commands.  

The CJB study commentary makes this note about the phrase "on your lips" - this "refers to the custom of muttering while studying or reflecting.. when one continually mutters God's word, one is constantly thinking about it."  This is being "careful" to attend to , heed, and preserve the Word in our hearts "that we might not sin against God".  Perhaps we need to become mutterers?

Father , come and fill us once again with Your Spirit that we might be strong and bold, courageous and careful to do Your will.  Let Your Word be on our lips, in our hearts, and minds. Teach us to listen and obey as we put our trust in You, the only Wise God and in our Righteous Redeemer, Jesus  Christ. Amen. 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

I Corinthians 15:35-58; 16:13-14

At the beginning of chapter 15 Paul taught the importance of  believing that the resurrection of Jesus is real and that we, who are in Him, will also be resurrected from the dead.  In the rest of this chapter he explains what the resurrection will entail... and it is wonderful!

Paul starts with a basic, elementary truth -  a seed is sown in the ground;  it dies; out of this comes a new life; the plant produced does not look like the seed it came from but "God gives it the body he intended for it; and to each kind of seed he gives its own body." 

Another basic truth - not all "bodies" are the same.  Fish are not the same as birds; the sun is not the same as the moon or the earth; every star has "its individual kind of beauty." 

Then he goes on to teach the truth about "the resurrection from the dead" :

Our present bodies will decay - but our resurrected bodies will never decay!
Our present bodies will go into the ground "without dignity" - but our new bodies will be "beautiful"!
Our present bodies are just ordinary - our new bodies will be spiritual - super-natural, Spirit controlled!
Our present bodies resemble Adam, the first man - our new bodies will resemble "the last Adam." Jesus!
We were born "of the dust" - like Adam;  We become "people born from heaven.. like the man from heaven!"
".. flesh and blood cannot share in the Kingdom of God."  These human, decaying, bodies of dust, won't walk into Heaven.  We must be changed. 
We must be resurrected from the dead - and "we will all be changed"!

"It will take but a moment, the blink of an eye, at the final shofar. For the shofar will sound, and the dead will be raised to live forever, and we too will be changed." 
We will be clothed in material that will not decay, but will be imperishable and immortal. 

"Death will be swallowed up in victory !"
"..Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus the Messiah!" 

Stand firm!
Be immovable!
Do the Lord's work!
"Stay alert, stand firm in the faith, behave like men, grow strong. Let everything you do be done in love."  ( 16:13-14) Paul concludes his letter. 

Father in heaven, we are looking up, listening for the trumpet call, standing firm in faith, trusting in You alone, the God of heaven and earth!  We know and feel the weaknesses of mortal bodies.  We long to be  forever changed.. looking forward to the promises that You have given to us - that -  We Will Be Changed! Hallelujah! "Maranatha" - Lord come! Be our strength, our refuge, and our shield, Lord Jesus, as we wait for Your coming.  And we ask again that You would draw all people to Yourself and that more would be saved as they put their trust in You, the Lamb of  God who died, was buried, and who rose again!  It is in Your name we pray and bring our petitions, with thanksgiving. Amen. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

I Corinthians 15:1-34

The main question that Paul answered in I Corinthians 15 is that of the resurrection. In verses 1-11 he prefaces his answer with a reminder of  the Good News - what he proclaimed; what they received; "on which [they had] taken [their] stand" - all that their faith was based on - "provided you keep holding fast to the message".  The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Paul reminds them, is this: "the Messiah died for our sins, in accordance with the [Scriptures]; and he was buried and he was raised on the third day, in accordance with the [Scriptures]. " And He was seen by Peter and the apostles and 500 more.. and Paul himself.  "... this is what we proclaim, and this is what you believed." 

And based on this - on the full Gospel of Jesus Christ - they needed to know without doubt - that the resurrection is real!  Paul argues that:
If Jesus was raised from the dead, then resurrection is possible.
If resurrection is impossible, then Jesus couldn't have been raised.
If Jesus wasn't raised, then none of us could be saved. 
If we can't be saved, then faith is useless and we are all still in sin. 

But, Jesus was raised! Hallelujah!
He is the "first fruits" and we will be the rest of the harvest!  Hallelujah!
Not only that, but Jesus will "put an end to every rulership, yes, to every authority and power" Hallelujah!
"The last enemy to be done away with will be death."
Everything will be put in "subjection under His feet." Hallelujah!

"Now when everything has been subjected to the Son,  then He will subject himself to God, who subjected everything to him; so that God may be everything in everyone." ( v28) 
This is God's plan and His promise!

Father in heaven, Holy and Mighty, Infinite and All wise, we hallow Your Name.  Let all the earth exalt thy holy Name!  O the depth of Your mercy and love.  Thank You for sending Jesus Christ the Messiah to die for our sins, to be buried, and then to be raised from the dead!  A glorious resurrection awaits all of us who believe and hold fast to this message of Good News!  We long for the day that all things will be subjected to the Son forever and ever.  May we be ready! Keep us clinging to these truths and to our Rock, Jesus Christ the Lord.  Amen. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

I Corinthians 14

I Corinthians 14 - Paul discusses two more spiritual gifts after teaching that the most important gift is love. 
These two gifts are "prophesy" and "tongues".  ".. Keep on eagerly seeking the things of the Spirit"; 
(v1)  Paul urges us,  but.. " let everything be for edification". ( v26) For building up.. for the common good. 

The gift of tongues had been given to the apostles on the day of Pentecost. It was also given to believers in the church.  Paul teaches here that, unless someone could interpret. tongues should be used "to speak to [oneself] or to God" ,  He says ".. tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe but to unbelievers.."(v22 ) But on the other hand, if someone came into the church and couldn't understand anything that was being said, they would "think your are mad." ( v23)  It would not bring them to repentance  and salvation. He warned the church to not be child-like in their thinking, but "be mature".  Think about this carefully and wisely... unless the gift edifies the church, it's not the one to pursue or use without prayerful consideration. 

Instead, Paul tells the believers to "especially seek to be able to prophesy." To prophesy is to speak under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  It may mean foretelling, but here the emphasis is on "speaking to people, edifying, encouraging, and comforting them." (v3).  Paul says, ".. since you eagerly seek the things of the Spirit, seek especially what will help in edifying the congregation ." (v12)  

I have no argument for or against speaking in tongues. I have prayed for those in international ministry to have the gift of tongues.  I have very little exposure to it myself.  But, I do believe we have been blessed to have pastors and teachers gifted with prophesy - speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to build up the congregation by edifying, encouraging, and comforting us. This passage is urging us each to seek this gift - so that we can encourage and comfort and edify one another.  What greater way is that to express our love for one another? 

Father in heaven,  Enable us to speak with psalms, teachings or  revelations.  May we pray or sing with our minds and our spirits.  May we encourage and build up each other in the love of Christ our Lord. Fill us with Your Spirit and glorify the Lord Jesus we pray.  Amen

Monday, July 13, 2020

I Corinthians 13

Is this one of your favorite chapters?  It is one of mine!  It is almost too precious to try to write about.. but I will anyway :) 

Love! Agape - affection or benevolence ( in a social or moral sense) - charity. ( Strongs concordance). 
It is this kind of love that Paul instructs us to go after to - "Pursue love.." ( 14:1) 
It is this kind of love that Paul teaches us is a "fruit of the Spirit" ( Gal. 5:22)
It is the kind of love that we are to have for the Lord, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."  And the love that we are to have for our neighbor as well. (Matthew 22: 37-39)

It is related to but different from "phileo" love - that for a friend.. a personal attachment; "as a matter of sentiment or feeling". Strongs concordance says this,  agape love -"is wider, embracing especially the judgement and the deliberate assent of the will as a matter of principle, duty and propriety;... the former being chiefly of the heart and the latter of the head.. " 

In other words - this love that we are to pursue - is a love that we choose to express as opposed to an emotional reaction or relationship with another person. It is a gift of God, for certain, for it is not always easy to choose to love those for whom we feel no emotional love.

 In John 21 when Jesus speaks to Peter asking, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?"  Jesus is asking Peter about agape love. And each time Peter tells Jesus, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love (phileo) You." Peter loved Jesus as a dear friend.  He had a great relationship with Jesus.  But, Jesus wanted him to have an even greater love, agape love - a love that would choose to keep loving even to the point of sacrifice.   Even when he didn't feel like it. 

This is the love that Paul beautifully defines for us in I Corinthians 13. "Love is patient and kind, not jealous, not boastful, not proud, rude or selfish, not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not gloat over other people's sins but takes delight in the truth. Love always bears up, always trusts, always hopes, always endures. "

Without this kind of love, Paul writes, "  I have become merely blaring brass... a cymbal clanging .. I am nothing.. I gain nothing.."  Even those spiritual - super-natural gifts of the Spirit will amount to nothing unless love is present. "Love never ends". Everything else will cease.. everything else will become useless, but love is eternal. 

"Pursue love".

"And may the Lord direct [our] hearts into the love (agape) of God and into the steadfastness of Christ" (II Thessalonians 3:5)


Friday, July 10, 2020

I Corinthians 12

I Corinthians 12  Paul has addressed a lot of the issues that the church was facing, particularly the problems with divisions and disputes.  Here, he states, "But, brothers, I do not want you to go on being ignorant about the things of the Spirit."  This is a vital teaching for every one of us and for the church. 

The very first truth that we need to know is that the Holy Spirit speaks!  The idols that had led them astray before they became believers couldn't "speak at all."  Paul says,  but, the Holy Spirit of God speaks the Word of God. 
Paul teaches that it the Holy Spirit that enables us to say "Jesus is Lord" and that if we have the Spirit of God we will never say "Jesus is cursed."  The Spirit only speaks Truth and will always speak Words that will glorify the Father and the Son.  The church at Corinth needed to have this kind of discernment.. and so do we!

The second thing that Paul teaches about the Holy Spirit is that He gives gifts to the believers. ( v 4-11)
 He teaches that:
There are different gifts. 
They are spiritual gifts. 
They are all come from the "same Spirit"; are all meant for serving "the same Lord"; and are all the work of the "same God working them all in everyone."  (v4-6) 
All gifts are distributed as He chooses. 
And they are all given for the "common good". 

Although Paul gives many examples of these spiritual ( super -natural) gifts, he uses this teaching to emphasize a very important truth - That all believers are part of ONE body.. "For it was by one Spirit that we were all immersed into one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free; and we were all given one Spirit to drink." v13   Paul teaches that:
The body is made up of many parts.
All parts are important. 
All parts depend on each other. 
Any missing parts diminish the whole body. 
"God arranged each of the parts in the body exactly as he wanted them." !!!
All parts are needed. 
"All the parts will be equally concerned for all the others"
"Now you together constitute the body of the Messiah, and individually you are parts of it." 

God directs the Body by providing gifts to the individual members and by also providing leaders and workers to the Body as a whole. Paul teaches us to seek "the better gifts"... but to know that the best gift of all is Love. 

Father in heaven,  thank You for making us parts in the Body of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  Thank You for working in us, equipping us for the service that You inspire us to do by the power of Your Spirit.  Have Your own way in each of us who call upon You that You might receive all glory and honor and blessing!  Unite our hearts together as one in Your Son.  We ask this in His powerful and precious name. Amen. 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

I Corinthians 11

I Corinthians 11:1-16

In these verses Paul speaks of the "traditions" that he had passed on to the church and praises them for remembering them.  He goes on to speak of the "order" of relationships - "the head of every man is the Messiah, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of the Messiah is God."  (v3)  The traditions of that time dictated that a man would not cover his head while praying or worshipping, while a woman would cover her head.  There was meant to be a distinction between men and women.  A man was not to use a veil like a woman did.. not try to look like a woman; nor was a woman to cut her hair in a way to look like a man.  It is not really saying that all men had to have short hair and all women long hair. Paul was teaching that men and women should both live in ways that honor the Lord.. even in how they act, dress and yes, even how they wore their hair.  

I know... this goes fully against the cultural leanings of our world today.  May God forgive us and bring our country back to truth and righteousness!

Verses 17-33 address a problem that the church in Corinth faced as they met together. There were "cliques" that were dividing the believers . The rich were acting selfishly and the poor were going hungry.  They had come together for the purpose of sharing a meal - an act of brotherhood and unity. But, what was really happening was just the opposite.  

Paul reminds the church about the purpose of the "Lord's supper".   They were all to take the bread together, for it represented the broken body of Jesus.  The cup represents the blood of Jesus which was shed to establish the "New Covenant".  These were to be taken together as a "memorial" to Jesus.  To take it selfishly.. greedily.. without consideration of the others - was to eat in an "unworthy" manner.  "So let a person examine himself first and then he may eat the bread and drink from the cup."  Wait for one another.. examine yourself... remember what the purpose of communion is really all about - the death of Jesus. 

I love to celebrate the Lord's supper at our church as we join together as one in remembering the death of Jesus who has purchased us!  Many years ago the Lord gave me a "picture" of something that I often think of as we take communion...  With the bread, I think of the broken body of Christ that purchased me from the slave market ( of sin) .  I can picture the awful place.. where the slaves stand on the auction block - dirty, shackled, hopeless,  and desperately afraid.  Then the  Lord enters and pays the price for me.. and I am made His.  He takes off the shackles and sets me free!  But, that is not the end!  With the cup, I think of how Jesus not only sets me free.. for He does not leave me as I was.. but He cleanses me.. makes me white as snow!  I am clothed in His garments of righteousness!  I am His.. free, cleansed, and made righteous by the blood that He shed for me. Hallelujah!

As we take communion together... let us take it with deliberate, thoughtful, and careful examination of ourselves and with hearts joined together as one in Christ our Savior. Let us truly remember and proclaim  "His death until He comes." 

Father, teach us Your ways that we might walk in true unity and love through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I Corinthians 10

I Corinthians 10  
Paul uses the example of the Israelites during the Exodus to illustrate that the choices we make as Christians matter.  

All of Israel had been "guided by the pillar of cloud".  
They all "passed through the sea".
They all were "immersed" into Moses.
They all ate the manna.
They all drank from the Rock. 
"Yet, with the majority of the God was not pleased, so their bodies were strewn across the desert." ( v1-5)

So, basically they were redeemed, baptized, and chosen to be God's people. 
BUT.. they set their hearts on evil... they became idolators.  They behaved immorally. They put God to the test. They grumbled.  And many were destroyed. 

We are also faced with temptations.  All of us. And Paul gives this warning, "Therefore, let anyone who thinks he is standing up be careful not to fall!" We can deal with temptations.. because God is faithful.. but we have to trust Him and flee from those things that tempt us to turn away.. to rely on ourselves and not Him.  We need to take the time to truly examine ourselves and make sure we are living for Jesus in everything we do.. ".. whatever you do, whether it's eating or drinking or anything else, do it all so as to bring glory to God."  

Are we doing what is helpful?  Are we doing what is edifying?  Are we sensitive to the needs of others, spiritually?  Are we putting any obstacles in the way of others coming to Christ?  Do the choices we make, the lifestyle we choose.. helpful or hurtful for our brothers and sisters in Christ?  Do they keep someone from becoming a believer in Christ?

Father in heaven, we again call upon Your Name, that we might be Your holy people.. fully surrendered and obedient to Your Word and fully trusting in You for all things.  May we be strong in Your strength, acknowledging our own weaknesses.  May we be faithful  to stand firm in the armor of God, knowing that we are helpless on our own.  It is Your doing.. that we are saved, that we have been baptized in Christ , that we are Your children!  We thank You for this great grace... that we were bought  by such a precious cost. Open our eyes and hearts to follow You fully.  God of peace, sanctify us through and through.  Preserve us... spirit, soul, and body.. complete and without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  You are faithful and unchangeable. You alone can bring this to pass. All praise and glory and honor to You, Lord. Amen. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

I Corinthians 9

I Corinthians 9  Paul explains that as God's servant he has given up his rights to financial support, as well as entitlement to bring a wife along with him, and also to any other liberties that were his right.

 He has given these things up for one reason - " And I do all things for the sake of the gospel, that I may become a fellow partaker of it." ( v23)

Paul likens his life as God's servant to one of an athlete preparing for they Olympics. He is running to win.  He is disciplining himself to be the best he can be.  He has one goal - the "imperishable" reward of a "crown that will last forever".  

Jesus calls us to lay down our lives, take up our crosses, and follow Him.  This was Paul's message and he lived it out as an example to follow.  He had every right to financial support.  He had every right to be honored as God's ambassador. But, he laid down his rights as he laid down his life.. for Christ Jesus. 

In our current culture, we find few people who are willing to lay down their selfish desires.. let alone their lives.  It is impossible for unbelievers to even think of such a thing. "For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die." ( Romans 5:7)

But, Paul doesn't stop there...
 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command you." ( John 15: 13-14) "I am the good Shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep." ( John 10:11) 

What are "rights" in comparison to eternal life?  We are prone to argue and to insist and to even fight for our "rights".  It's American!  Yet, in light of these truths from God's Word... how should we live?

Father, we are Your humble servants in need of Your wisdom, the wisdom that is from above, that which is "...pure... peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering,  without hypocrisy".. ( James 3:17).  We ask that You would strengthen us in our inner selves that we might run this race, fight this fight.. to win the crown that is imperishable. Help us to surrender all to You.  To lay down our lives, take us our crosses, and follow Jesus! We are weak. We are selfish. We desperately need You to transform our minds and our wills.. that we might pray from our hearts.. "Your will be done!"   We pray this in Jesus'  Name, the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for us. Amen. 

Monday, July 6, 2020

I Corinthians 8

Paul compares "knowledge" to "love".   There were some that argued that eating meat from idols didn't matter because they KNEW that idols weren't real.  Paul teaches that, even though this is true, that there were some who didn't have that knowledge yet.. and they might follow their friends in eating the meat.. but their consciences would be hurt and it would be sin for them to do it. "Thus by your 'knowledge' this weak person is destroyed, this brother for whom the Messiah died; and so when you sin against the brothers by wounding their conscience when it is weak, you are sinning against the Messiah!" ( v11-12) 

Paul says that "knowledge puffs a person up with pride; whereas love builds up." ( v1)
What things in our lives.. what "knowledge" do we have.. that tears down and destroys our brothers and sisters in Christ instead of building them up in the Love of Christ?  As Paul says, it's not about what we eat or drink or whatever... it's about loving others enough to sacrifice our own rights to do what we freely want to do. 

"However, if someone loves God, God knows him." ( v3)  Here we find the vital truth of our lives.. when we know and love God and He knows and loves us.. we will walk in His love and truly care about even the consciences of our fellow believers. Our "knowledge " doesn't encourage, build up, or help.  Only our love will do that. 

Father in heaven, we desire to honor and exalt Your name in all the earth. And we do know this.. You will be exalted! Our world is so blinded by sin and pride and self-centeredness, Father.  Deliver us from this evil.  Strengthen us, Your church, to be strong in your strength.  Direct our hearts into the love of God, that we might love You and cling to You, and that we might love one another as You have commanded us. May we be caring, patient, and gentle with one another, building up each other in love. Sanctify us through and through, Lord, that we might walk in the steadfastness of our Savior, Jesus Christ "through whom were created all things and through whom we have our being."  Amen. 

Friday, July 3, 2020

I Corinthians 7

The bottom line of Chapter 7 of I Corinthians is found in verse 35, "I am telling you this for your own benefit, not to put restrictions on you - I am simply concerned that you live in a proper manner and serve the Lord with undivided devotion." ( CJB)  

Paul addresses marriage and singleness in this chapter.  His overall advice it for each person to "live the life the Lord assigned to him.. "  The most important thing is not whether you are married or single, Jewish or Gentile, or even a slave or a freeman.... the most important question is whether or not you are living in obedience to God's commands. 

This goes back to Paul's teaching in the first 6 chapters - as God's temple, as people called to holiness, purity, and truth - every part of our lives must be lived in surrender to our Lord.  In marriage, we need to love and honor one another according to God's Word.  In singleness, we should honor and obey the Lord, staying pure and holy. Our lives are no longer our own, as Paul reminds us for a second time in this letter, 
"You were bought at a price.. " 

What does that mean for you and me?  No matter what circumstances we are living in.. right now.. we are to live as God's holy possessions.. His treasures.. His children.  We choose to live moral, upright, and pure lives.. and we love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies.  And, we love our neighbors, our families, our countrymen, and yes, even our enemies... as our Lord has commanded us to do. 

Father, please help us to live in a proper manner and serve You, our Lord with undivided devotion. 
In the Name of Jesus, who paid that great price for us, we pray. Amen. 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

I Corinthians 6

In chapter 6 of I Corinthians Paul attacks a second serious issue in the church.  

The divisions among the people had gotten so bad that they were even taking each other to court over things that should have been handled within the church.   Paul says.. "How dare you.. shame on you.." In his view, this behavior was unacceptable.  As believers, they should have been able to settle disagreements among themselves. There should have been someone with wisdom in the congregation that could handle things.  Or better yet.. "Why not be wronged?  Why not be cheated?"  Turn the other cheek.. Love one another.. forgive one another.. be patient with one another ... 

But, "instead you yourselves wrong and  cheat; and you do it to your own brothers." 

They were living as if "everything [was] permitted."  They were doing whatever they felt like doing. And Paul says they were deluded.  "Don't you know that unrighteous people will have no share in the Kingdom of God?"  In case they weren't sure what that meant Paul gives them a list... sexual immorality, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, stealing, greed, drunkenness, cursing, robbery.. "none of them (the unrighteous who practices these sins)  will share in the Kingdom of God." 

As believers in Jesus Christ we have been spiritually united with Him.  We have ONE spirit with Jesus!
Our bodies have become His temple, "for the Holy Spirit" lives in us.  As God's holy people we have been "bought with a price".  We are to glorify God in our bodies. We are set apart for Him..".. but you were washed, but your were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. 

Father in heaven, You have cleansed us from all unrighteousness through the precious blood of our Savior.  The price that was paid for us.. oh how extravagant a price for someone such as me... Help us to be holy and pure in the power of Your Spirit, to the glory of Your Name.  We are Yours.. washed, sanctified, and justified in Jesus Christ.  May Your will be done in us, Your church, today.  In Jesus we come. Amen. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

I Corinthians 5

Starting in Corinthians 5 Paul addresses the various problems and questions among the believers.  He begins with the serious issue of immorality.  There was a man, who considered himself a believer, but who was living with his step-mother in sin.  The church not only failed to address the situation, they were accepting of it.  Paul told them to throw the man out of the church!  

Paul called sin - sin.  Allowing sin in the fellowship of believers is equivalent to allowing leaven in the Passover meal. Totally unacceptable!  Just as the Israelites were commanded to remove every speck of leaven from their houses in order to celebrate Passover, the church is to carefully  and thoroughly confront sin among themselves.  The Passover Lamb - Jesus Christ "has been sacrificed", Paul reminds his readers.. and "in reality you are unleavened".  Don't allow leftover leaven - wickedness and evil - remain; the church needs "purity and truth". 

We take to heart the words of Jesus in Matthew7 "Do not judge lest you be judged." But, Paul says, "For I, on my part, though absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged him who has so committed this.. " There is a time when righteous  judgement is necessary. Paul's desire was for the man to repent and for the church to be purified.  When we allow sin to take hold in the church because we are afraid to judge with righteousness.. then the church will be worthless, unholy, and in danger of destruction.  As Jesus spoke in Revelations 2 to the church at Ephesus , "Therefore, remember where you were before you fell, turn from this sin, and do what you used to do before. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your menorah (lamp stand) from its place." 

The Church in America today looks a lot like the church in Corinth, doesn't it?  Immorality is ignored and even accepted in many denominations.  When the church does stand for moral behavior and righteous living, it is condemned and called intolerant and biased. Things are getting worse and we are seeing that the slippery slope.. the slide downwards is moving faster and faster.  What can we do? We must pray!

Father in heaven, You are sovereign and mighty.  There is nothing impossible with You. Jesus Christ is the Head of the church and we are His body.  Purify the church, Lord!  May we be bold and courageous to stand for purity and truth.  Strengthen us so that we will continue to be strong in Your strength with the holy armor of Truth, Righteousness,  Gospel Peace, Salvation, Faith, and the Word of God.  Fill us with Your HOLY Spirit.  May we be overcomers, persevering through the coming tribulations in the Name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be glorified and honored in our lives and in our church we pray, in the name of our Holy Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.