Friday, August 30, 2019

Mark 6

Do you ever wonder about the earthly family of Jesus?

 In chapter 3 Mark tells us that His family tried to take Him into "custody" thinking He had "lost His senses". (v21)  In verse 32 we are told that His mother and brothers were "outside" looking for Him. Here we are told that the people in Jesus' hometown knew that Mary was His mother and that His brothers were James, Jose, Judas, and Simon.  They also knew His sisters.  Common folk.. with an uncommon son/brother.  This made it difficult for the people to accept Jesus and His teaching. "And He wondered at their unbelief." Even His own brothers did not believe until after the resurrection! Acts 1:14 records this.. " These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers."  James became a leader in the early church and it is thought that the book of Jude was written by His brother,  Judas.  There is no further mention of Jose or Simon.. or the sisters of Jesus. Did they also come to faith in Jesus?  I hope so!   One more thought - In John 19:25-27 we are told that Mary, the mother of Jesus and her sister were present at the foot of the cross.  Jesus commits her into the care of John and "from that hour the disciple took her into this own household."  Why John?  Why not one of the brothers?
Makes me wonder...

Anyway.. Jesus sends out his 12 disciples to preach.  They were given instructions to:
Take no bread
Take no bag
Take no money
Wear sandals and one tunic.
No back up plans, no extra resources.. just faith in the One who sent them.

They had authority over unclean spirits.
They anointed the sick to be healed.
And, they shook off the dust from the soles of their feet when they were not received or listened to..

Then they came back exhausted.. so Jesus took them off to a "lonely place" to rest.  However, what happened next was not what they had in mind!

Father in heaven,  You have called us Your children.  You have made us the brothers and sisters of Jesus !  You have given us hearts to believe and to receive Your Word. We are reminded again, that no matter what the circumstances, You are all we need.  Father, I thank You that the brothers of Jesus came to believe in Him.  And, once again I ask that You would bring my own brothers to believe in Him too.  Thank You that nothing is impossible for You!  Thank You that You love them even more than I do. Thank You that You hear my prayer today.  For it is in the name of Jesus that I come. Amen.

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