Friday, August 9, 2019

Matthew 19 The Pharisees try to set another test up for Jesus.  Their question this time involves divorce.  Jesus makes it clear to them that divorce is not God's desire, for He designed marriage to be two people, a man and a woman, united to become one flesh.  God, Himself joins a man and a woman in marriage.  Yet, because of sin,  a certificate of divorce was "permitted".  

Even the disciples were stunned by this truth.  They asked Jesus if it was even wise to marry at all!
Jesus answered that the life of celibacy is not one that is easy to accept.

The disciples were also stunned when Jesus made a statement about the difficulty for " a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."  The teachings and values of their world were so far from God's Word, that the disciples were constantly challenged by what Jesus said.

But, they also learned that when they followed Jesus and gave up everything else, the rewards were great!  The rich young man could not give up his riches.  But, the disciples had given up everything to follow Jesus.  They would one day judge "the twelve tribes of Israel" Jesus told them.  They would have eternal life. As the old song says, "It will be worth it all when we see Jesus!"

The most encouraging words from this passage are found in verse 26,  Jesus said, " With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."   It is hard for the rich to give up their riches.  It is hard for the unhappily married to stay married.  It is hard to give up family and home.. It is hard to follow Jesus.  We are called to lay down our lives and take up our crosses and follow Him.  We must willingly take His yoke.. His love-lined yoke.. and abide in Him. This is the only path to life. He alone has the Words of life and the springs of living water.

Father, all things are possible with You.  We seek You and we yield to You, praying that Your will be done.  Help us, Lord...  Take our lives and let them be.. consecrated all to Thee!  Amen.

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