Friday, August 2, 2019

Matthew 14  Three significant events are recorded here:

1 The death of John the Baptist.
2 The feeding of the 5000.
3 Jesus walking on the water and Peter getting out of the boat.

Jesus had little time to mourn the death of His beloved cousin John.  The multitude was relentless and came after Him.  Their needs were great and Jesus alone could meet their greatest needs.  They came for healing and received it.  They needed food, and He miraculously provided it.

Jesus sent the disciples away and then sent the crowd away.  He finally had time alone to go up into the mountain to pray.  He then walked upon the waters, in a stormy sea, to help His disciples.  The Truth of WHO Jesus is was manifested to His disciples in a way that was so undeniable!   Peter took a step of faith, walking on the water.. but his doubts followed him closely..  Isn't that just like us?

We take a small step of faith.. but allow doubts to almost sink us, too.  Hopefully we have learned to do what Peter did.. cry out "Lord, save me!".  Is our immediate response like that of Peter?   May we learn this Truth!  When Peter and Jesus got in the boat together... "the wind stopped".  And everyone in the boat "worshiped Him.."   It is often in the storms of life that we learn that Jesus is right there.. He may be outside the boat, but He will call us to Himself and when we step out in faith, He will catch us.. even if our faith is little and our doubts are sinking us.   May we find that when Jesus gets in the boat with us.. the storm is calmed.. Let us abide in Him!

Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth, Son of God, and Gracious Savior,  we worship You.  It is in You, Christ Jesus, that we come to the throne of Grace to seek help in our neediness.  Father, we come to ask for Your Kingdom to come in power and glory.  We seek Your Kingdom and Your righteousness and rest in all that You alone can provide.  You know our every need.  You know the healing touch we need, the provision of food for each day.. spiritually and physically.  We ask for Your blessing.
We seek to walk in Your Spirit and to abide in You always.  Forgive every sin and cleanse us again, for You are our faithful Redeemer.  We forgive any and all who have sinned against us.  Deliver us from our self-centered ways and desires and from the lies of the enemy.  For it is in Christ's name we pray . Amen.

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