Monday, August 5, 2019

Matthew 15  When the Pharisees criticized the disciples of Jesus for eating bread before going through the ritual of hand-washing,  Jesus pointed out to them their own transgression, one more serious than a ritual tradition... they deliberately disobeyed the commandment to "Honor your Father and Mother.. "  This reminds me of the lesson Jesus had taught on the Mount.. about the speck in your brother's eye and the plank in your own...

The Pharisees overlooked their sinful actions, excusing themselves in the name of their traditions, while nit-picking about the disciples.   Jesus didn't defend His disciples, but He used the situation to teach them Truth. The food that goes into ones mouth does not defile a man, Jesus explained,  but what comes out of the heart of man is what defiles him.

If the heart is evil, then what comes out of his mouth will be evil - leading to murder, adultery, theft, lies, and slander. The heart is man's problem, not what he eats or doesn't eat, nor what traditions of men that he does or doesn't do. The problem with the Pharisees was that their hearts were far from God.  Jesus called them "blind guides of the blind".  They did not belong to God the Father, and they would be rooted up and thrown into the fire, unless they repented.

Think about this in light of this weekend's tragic headlines... two mass killings- two out of control, evil hearted young men, who have completely lost touch with Truth.  They may never have heard the Word of God, or if they did, they rejected it and were filled with evil spirits.  Our country is sorrowing over these events, but the vast majority will never come to the Truth.. that Jesus alone can change hearts.   Traditions - medicine, laws, police, politicians, or schools, whatever - cannot change evil hearts.
Only Jesus can.

Father in heaven, You have given to us the riches of Jesus Christ. Riches of kindness and forbearance, patience and grace, wisdom and understanding... and we need to walk in Your Spirit and speak Your Truth to our world.  Help us to be bolder.  Help us to be faithful.  Lead us to share the Good News of the Kingdom. Open blind eyes and transform deceived souls, Lord.  May Your Kingdom come to our world today. Come Lord Jesus!  Amen.

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