Monday, September 2, 2019

Mark 6: 33-44  As Jesus and His disciples sail away to a place where they can rest, the crowd of people ran along the shore and actually got there before them.  We are told that the place was desolate and it was late in the day. "And when He went ashore, He saw a great multitude, and He felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd... " 

They came from "all the cities", on foot.. running along the seashore.. in desperation.. for Jesus.  "...sheep without a shepherd.."  have no help, no defense, no provisions, no way to get home again.. They get lost, they fall over and can't right themselves, they eat what they shouldn't, they get scared and run to the point of exhaustion, they fall prey to enemies..  without a Shepherd, this describes all of mankind.

But, we have a Great Shepherd. Jesus has compassion on us.. and when we seek Him, we will find Him.

The disciples wanted to send the crowd to go get food.  That was a wise suggestion... common sense.. they were in the middle of nowhere, had no resources, and there was genuine concern.  But, Jesus told them to, "Give them something to eat!"  After the death and resurrection of Jesus, before His ascension, Jesus has a conversation with Peter.  Three times He asks Peter, "... do you love Me?" Three times Peter says yes.. and three times Jesus says, ".. Tend My sheep.. ".  Here, in this wilderness setting, surrounded by more than 5000 people, Jesus shows them how a Shepherd tends His sheep.  He takes the 5 loaves and 2 fish.  He blesses the food and breaks the loaves and "He kept giving them to the disciples.."  And "they all ate.. and were satisfied. "

Remarkable! The leftovers measured more than they began with.. 12 baskets full!  This is God's economy in His Kingdom.  He provides more than we need.  He gives to overflowing.  And, He uses us.. His disciples be part of His great works!

Father, how great is Your grace and love and compassion for the lost and abandoned sheep!  Thank You for giving to us such a Loving and kind Shepherd.  May we be faithful to tend Your sheep, to care for the lambs, to take of Your gifts and allow You to multiply them to all who are waiting and in need. Teach us to walk in the ways of Christ our Lord, the Good Shepherd.  We pray this in His holy name. Amen.

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