Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mark 1

Mark rushes head on with the narrative of the gospel.  The "beginning" of the story, he writes, is the coming of John, who baptized with water.. "preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins."  Next, is the appearance of Jesus at the Jordan, being baptized by John, being anointed by the Spirit, and announced by the Father.. " Thou are My beloved Son, in Thee I am well-pleased." 

Jesus is impelled by the Spirit into the wilderness, tempted for 40 days by Satan, and ministered to by angels. From there, Mark tells  of the calling of disciples, the healing of the sick, the casting out of demons, and the preaching of the gospel.  All of this in one chapter....

From the little town of Nazareth,  Jesus emerges into the ministry that He came for.. to tell the good news, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." 

It's time!  Time for repentance. Time to turn around and find the One True God.  Time to see Him in a way that none had ever seen before.. in the Person of Jesus Christ, His Beloved Son.

Mark doesn't want to waste any time in getting to the point.. Jesus Christ, the Son of God.. came to save, to heal, to deliver.... so let us have eyes to see and ears to hear!

Father in heaven, give us new understanding of the wonderful old story.. of Jesus and the Kingdom.. of Your love and power and forgiveness. Teach us Your ways and Your Word in the power of Your Spirit.  Breathe into us new life, we pray. In Jesus' name. amen.

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