Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Matthew 27-28  The Lord Jesus is crucified.. and I never can read that part of the story without also reading of His resurrection!  What seemed like the end.. is only the beginning.  Some of the most important words in these two chapters.. " He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said."  

Jesus silently endured the accusations of the Jewish leaders, but spoke to Pilate.  He could have come down from the cross.. but He chose to finish the work that He was sent to do.. to take the full punishment for sin.  Those who were mocking Him and spitting on Him, even those who were crucifying Him... could be saved, if only they repented and believed on Him.  On that third day.. they knew.. They knew that all that He said was true.  Did any repent?

If we had been there.. would we have believed?  Would we have been convinced that this beaten, bloody body, was truly the King of the world? O, how thankful I am that we have the whole gospel and we know that our salvation was purchased on that cross, the full price for our sins.. paid in full!

Father, once again this old, old story, rings out across the pages of Your Word, and fills my heart with thanksgiving. I am as guilty as the ones that pounded the nails. I am as unworthy as the one who yelled, "Crucify Him".  Yet, because of Your great grace.. I have come to believe in the One who has been given all authority in heaven and on earth!  May Your love and grace flow through me so that more will come to know You and be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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