Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Matthew 17  What was the purpose of the transfiguration ?   Why did Jesus only take 3 of His disciples up on the mountain with Him?  And why did Moses and Elijah appear?   I only have questions and no answers from this passage...

Peter, James, and John saw Jesus in His glorified body.  John would once again see Him many years later on the island of Patmos,  the same shining face and the same white garments. The three also heard and understood the voice of the Father proclaiming, " This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him."  You would think that from that moment on these three men would never doubt... or deny Jesus again. But, we know that Peter had a struggle with doubt when Jesus was arrested by the Romans.  John seems to stand firmly until the end and James died early as a martyr.  Three different results from the same vision...

The ability of Moses and Elijah to appear on earth is fascinating.  We know that John writes in Revelation 11 about the "two witnesses" who will come in the last days to prophecy.  Some think that it will again be Moses and Elijah.

This "vision" ties the event on the mountain to the end times written in Revelation.  Jesus said in Matthew 16:28 "Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who shall not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."  Perhaps, He was speaking about John, who would see the full Revelation as he was on that island of Patmos in exile.

I am reminded that the Kingdom of God has come through Jesus Christ and that the full revelation is only a breath away.  As we listen to the news or read the paper, we see that wars and rumors of wars are everywhere.  Evil is filling the hearts of young men in every nation.  Satan and his army are attacking and we must take up the Heavenly armor!

The Truth is that Jesus Christ has all authority over heaven and earth!
It is His Righteousness alone that is acceptable to the Father.
It is the death and resurrection of Jesus that has brought us to peace with our God.
It is His salvation that overcomes!
We must take up our shield of faith.. not the puny faith that cannot accomplish anything.. but the faith that moves mountains and believes that "nothing shall be impossible"!
We also take up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.. we abide in it by hearing what God says and then doing what He commands!

May we also be alert and looking up.. for the coming of Christ is drawing nigh!

Father in heaven,  come and fill us anew, with the power of Your Spirit.  May we live and walk by Your Spirit to the glory of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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