Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mark 4:35-5:43   There are four amazing miracles recorded in this passage.  Four glimpses into the Kingdom of God.. I'll look at two today.

Jesus and His disciples were in a boat crossing the sea of Galilee. There was a "fierce gale" and waves that were "breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling up."  This was a serious storm. Some of these men were fishermen who grew up on these waters.. yet they were afraid.
Jesus, however, was asleep and unconcerned.  When they woke Him up, Jesus said three words, "Hush, be still".  And the wind and waves obeyed.   Like the disciples, we need to ask, "Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?"   

Jesus is the "appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.." Hebrews 1:2.  He "upholds all things by the word of His power." (v3) Not only was everything made through Him, but it was made for Him.. "For it is fitting for Him for whom are all things and through whom are all things.. " (2:10) The wind and the sea are His creations and they were made FOR Him... As were we..
Jesus asked His disciples, "Why are you so timid? How is it that you have no faith?" ( Mark 4:40)
We pray, "Your kingdom come.."  Yet, do we understand fully that the King reigns even over wind and waves.. are we ready to see His Kingdom in this way?

The second miracle in this passage is the deliverance of the man possessed by a legion of demons. This man couldn't be chained or shackled because of his strength.  No man could subdue him, but he was imprisoned by the evil spirits and spent his life in a graveyard, miserable and trying to harm himself.  I cannot imagine the depth of his despair and pain.  He truly had no hope, until Jesus came.
As soon as he saw Jesus, he knew. The demons inside him were immediately afraid. They begged for mercy from Jesus, recognizing Him as the "Son of the Most High God".  Jesus allowed the demons to enter the swine.  He gave the man clothes and sat down with him.  Wonder what they talked about?
Probably Jesus told him about the Kingdom of God. For the King came to overcome the darkness, to break the chains of Satan, to deliver men from captivity.  This is what His Kingdom is about!

Father in heaven, You have granted authority to Jesus, Your Beloved Son, to bring Your Kingdom to earth.. to us!  So thankful for Your amazing grace and unending mercy and for the power of Your Word.   May Your Kingdom increase and overcome the present darkness of this world. May Jesus reign and bring glory to You, our Father. Amen.

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