Thursday, August 1, 2019

Matthew 13  Jesus uses parables to describe for us what the kingdom of God is really like...

It is like a mustard seed that is comparatively small but grows into a great tree which is larger than other plants in a garden.

It is like leaven.. which is small, but when it is mixed with meal, changes the whole composition.

It is like a hidden treasure that when found, is worth more than everything else you own.

It is like a valuable pearl, again, worth selling everything else to purchase it.

And, it is like a dragnet, when filled to the full, is evaluated.. the good fish kept and the bad ones thrown out.

Knowing these things, Jesus says, "..every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, who brings forth out of his treasure things new and old." 

Jesus preached that we need to "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; " ( Matthew 6:33)
And He said, "He who has ears, let him hear." ( 13:43)

As disciples of Jesus, we know that there is nothing worth more than His reign and rule in our lives.  He has invited us to "Come" and He offers His "yoke", lined with love.  He rules with glory and power and majesty.  His commands are perfect and His will is always for our good.

We may understand that the kingdom in us is relatively small, but do we recognize that He is making His Kingdom grow and flourish in us?  Do we realize that we "leaven" the world around us? Are we willing to give up everything.. all those things that are fleeting and will pass away.. for the ONE thing that is eternal.. His Kingdom?  Do we acknowledge that we are all subject to His evaluation.. and that only those who are true.. will be saved in the end?

Father in heaven, Maker of heaven and earth, we love You and desire to walk in Your Light and to love as You have loved us.  Fill us with Your Spirit and Your Word.  Give us strength and grace to walk this day in Your paths that we might glorify Your Name.  Amen.

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