Thursday, August 15, 2019

Matthew 22  Starting in verse 15,  the Pharisees, Sadducees, and company try to trick Jesus by asking what they think are difficult questions that "might trap Him".  It is clear that they still had no idea who they were dealing with!

At first they send their disciples, their students and a group called the Herodians. These were well-to-do, politically motivated, "religious" leaders.  The question had to do with paying taxes.  Jesus, knowing their "malice", challenged them to think beyond earthly allegiances.  " Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's" He tells them.  Like us sometimes, the focus on earthly values - like power, wealth, and influence - got in the way of thinking about Truth.  If these men had a proper relationship and understanding of Who God is.. they would not have concerned themselves at all with the "things" of Caesar.

The second group, the Sadducees, had a complicated question about the woman who was widowed 7 times by 7 brothers, with no children.  The Sadducees didn't believe in the resurrection, but their question was about what would happen in heaven after the resurrection.  This kind of situation was probably one of the reasons they wouldn't believe that there would be a resurrection.. they couldn't logically reconcile whaat would happen in such a case.  Jesus challenges their thinking, too.
First of all, He tells them, there is no marriage in the resurrection, " but  they are like the angels in heaven." ( This is one of those mysteries we cannot yet comprehend either).
Secondly, God is the God of the living, not of the dead.  "I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.."  God has not changed and He will never change. The Sadducees were silenced at this astonishing answer.

The third group to question Jesus was the Pharisees, with a law expert as their spokesman.  "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?"  This was the perfect question for Jesus.  He wanted them to know this Truth.. " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"  It is interesting to note that neither of these are from the 10 commandments, but that all of the "Law and the Prophets" are summed up with these 2 commands.
There is no reply recorded here. Nothing else could be said.

Jesus had a question of His own for the Pharisees.  He asked them, "What do you think about the Christ, whose son is He?"  They knew the answer - "the son of David".  What they didn't know was how David could call his "son" Lord.  They just refused to hear the truth.

Father in Heaven,  You call us to faith and love and hope in Christ Jesus, the One You have anointed as King of heaven and earth.  Help us to know You more through Your word.  May we grasp the truth of Who You are and that You are of much more value than any earthly position or opinion.  May we know the greatness of Your power and majesty and sovereignty over all the living and the dead.  May we see Your heart, valuing love more than anything else.  May we truly love You will all our hearts and souls and minds.. and love others as we love ourselves.  Jesus is the Lord of all, and we pray in His name. Amen.

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