Monday, August 26, 2019

Mark 3   I want to continue looking at the key pictures that Mark gives us to show us the Kingdom of God.

In verses 1-6 Jesus goes into a synagogue and heals a man with a withered hand.  The Pharisees we're watching. looking for something to accuse Him.  Here Jesus teaches us about what is truly valuable, "Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save a life or to kill?"  They had no answer and no compassion.. Jesus was angry, "grieved at their hardness of heart,"  In God's Kingdom the life of a man, the need of this particular man, was of more value than the Sabbath law.
Picture this poor man, unable to care for his family.  Unable to farm or work for a living.  Jesus knew the man was there before He even went into the synagogue.  He knew that the Pharisees would try to trap Him.   But, not only did He want to help this man and had compassion for him, Jesus wanted to reveal a Kingdom truth - Mercy is greater than the Law. 

In verses 7-19 Mark records that the news of Jesus had spread all over the country and beyond.  People were coming from everywhere. The crowds were becoming oppressive. Everyone wanted to touch Him and be healed.  Even the unclean spirits were crying out!  Jesus calls 12 men and appoints them as His apostles.  He gives them the authority "to cast out the demons."  He sends them out to preach the good news of the Kingdom.  The Kingdom truth here is that Jesus not only has authority over the unclean spirits, but that He gives that authority to His chosen followers.

Verses 20-35 The Jews accuse Jesus of being possessed by Beelzebul... Satan. They are so hard-hearted that they refuse to accept the presence of God and then they give credit to Satan.  Jesus patiently explains that this is impossible.. for if Satan was casting out himself.. it would all be over!  Only One who is greater than Satan could cast him out.  Jesus goes on to say that they were blaspheming the Holy Spirit in their accusations.. and this was unforgivable.. "an eternal sin".  Here is another Kingdom truth -Satan is bound by the One who is greater. What good news!!!

In God's kingdom:
Mercy is greater than law.
Jesus has all authority.
Satan is defeated and bound by the One who is greater.
All who do the will of God.. become the "brother and sister and mother" of Jesus, Himself.

Father, open my ears to hear  and by heart to understand Your word and what Your will is for me.
Where have I put rules as more valuable than mercy or compassion? When have I missed the fact that You have all authority in heaven and earth?  Teach me and fill me with the truth of the Holy Spirit.
I ask this in Your name, Jesus, amen.

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