Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mark 5:21-43  Two more amazing miracles are recorded in this passage.  These two are woven together, each revealing the power and authority of the King who reigns over His creation.

Jesus was approached by Jairus, a synagogue official.  Jairus' daughter was critically ill and dying.
As Jesus heads towards Jairus' home, He is surrounded by multitudes, pressing in and around Him. So many needy and hurting people.. but, there was one who reached out in faith and touched His garment with hope of healing.  This poor woman had suffered for 12 years.  No physician could help her and so she had gotten worse instead of better.  What is fascinating about this passage is that Jesus felt "the power proceeding from Him had gone forth.. "  He stopped and focused on this one woman.
She was so afraid that she was trembling.  Perhaps she expected a rebuke.. but Jesus offered only peace and healing!   Our King pours out His grace and compassion on those who come to Him in faith.  What a wonderful truth about His Kingdom! We need to remember that He knows each of us and can feel us when we reach out to Him in faith!

Meanwhile, the daughter of Jairus dies. But, Jesus tells him, " Do not be afraid any longer, only believe."  And so he does!  Jesus raises this young girl from death.  It is done privately.  It is done simply.  And, He gives them orders to tell no one.  Only seven people were in that room, and one of them was dead. Jesus takes this child by the hand and she gets up and walks!

In these four miracles we are reminded that:

Jesus has authority over all of nature.. even mighty storms.
Jesus has authority over every supernatural power.
Jesus has authority over every illness.
Jesus has authority over death.

Our God reigns.  His Kingdom has come. We are citizens in His Kingdom now and forever more !

Father in heaven we give You all praise and thanksgiving for You have sent to us a Mighty Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord, who reigns over all the earth.  This truth is what gives us hope!  In Your Kingdom, You have given to us a Savior, Shepherd, and Ruler who loves and cares for us and Who exalts and glorifies You in every way.  We will follow Jesus and live according to the Word by the power of Your Spirit.  Amen!

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