Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Matthew 21-22  Jesus tells two more parables about the Kingdom of God.

The first, in Matthew 21:33-40 is about the landowner who rents out his vineyard.  When he sends his slaves to receive the produce of his vineyard, the vine-growers beat them, stone them, or kill them.  Another, larger group of slaves are sent, and they are also beaten or killed.  Finally, the landowner sends his son, saying, "They will respect my son."   But, the renters, take the son and kill him too, thinking they will steal his inheritance.  Jesus asks his listeners, "Therefore when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those vine-growers?"  The chief priests and Pharisees know the answer.. and they understand that he is talking about them. The "wretches" will come to a "wretched end".  They were supposed to be stewards of God's kingdom, but they desired to have it all for themselves.  Like Satan, they were trying to usurp God's possessions and God's place.

And the part that brings me to tears.. they killed the Son.. how could they think that they could do that?

The second parable is found in Matthew 22:1-14.  Here, the king prepares a feast for the wedding of his son.  The invitations were sent out, but when it came time for the guests to come, they refused!
They were "unwilling".  They "paid no attention and they went their way".   The king declares that "those who were invited were not worthy "; not suitable, not deserving.  On top of that, they mistreated or killed the messengers!  So, the king sent his armies to destroy those evil doers.  Then he sent his slaves to invite as many as they could find on the main highway, and so they did.  Soon, the wedding hall was filled with guests.  However, even then, some were not properly dressed and were cast out.  Jesus concludes with these words, " For many are called but few are chosen." 

God's Kingdom has come and Christ is Lord over it all.  He is the Son who was slain, but He is also the Son who rose again!  The time is coming when the wedding feast will be held.. and only those who respond to the invitation and who come with proper attire.. will enter.  We are not only the invited guests.. we are the Bride of Christ.. Amazing!  We enter the Kingdom by His grace through faith.. accepting the invitation and coming to Him.  And we are dressed in His righteousness.. the only worthy attire!

Father, I love Your Word that reaches into my heart and sings the song of Your great Love and mercy.. filling my soul!  You have called me.. invited.. me. to the wedding feast.. to the Kingdom of heaven .  How amazing!  How wonderful.  Thank You. All glory and honor and praise to God the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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