Friday, August 16, 2019

Matthew 23 In this passage, Jesus concisely points out the "leaven" of the scribes and Pharisees.  He is talking to the "multitudes and His disciples.."   This message is for all of us, lest we also be deceived and become guilty of the hypocrisy prevalent in the religious men of that time.

Jesus tells His listeners that they needed to observe the Word - but not to do the deeds of the scribes and Pharisees.  The hypocrisy of the Pharisees was evident:
They placed "heavy loads" on people, but would not help anyone.
They did religious acts to be noticed, not for God.
They wanted to be respected, praised, looked up to, and perhaps even envied.
(All things evident in every false religion.)

This is NOT the will of God, Jesus explains:
Don't even be called Teacher or Rabbi - just be a brother to each other.
Don't be called "father" - the Only Father is God in heaven.
Serve one another.
Be humble, for "whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." 

Jesus lists the hypocritical actions that make the Pharisees and scribes condemned before God:

They keep others from entering into the "kingdom of heaven".  They put stumbling blocks in people's way. They speak lies to deceive others.

They devoured "widow's houses"... even while they were showing off by making long prayers. They hid their sinfulness with pretense.

They traveled far and wide to bring back Jewish converts.. but made them "sons of hell"..

They swore by the temple or by the altar - as things of no value; and did not keep their oaths.
They consider gold or offerings as things of value - making in obligatory to keep an oath.
They had no understanding of God's view on this - the Temple was His dwelling place. It was where the offering was sanctified - set apart for Him. If they swore by heaven, they were actually swearing by His throne, so by Him, for He sits on the throne.  To then fail to keep that oath was to consider God Himself unworthy..

They were careful to consider small tithes -  of  "mint and dill and cumin"; but they failed to do justice or have mercy, or to be faithful - the things that really matter.

They were careful to clean the outside of their cup, but were blind to recognize the filth of their own hearts. They looked perfect on the outside, but were "full of dead men's bones" on the inside.

They thought they were better than their own ancestor's, admitting that they did kill the prophets. But, never realized that their desire to kill Jesus was the same.. and even worse.

The heart of Jesus was deeply burdened for the City of God. He wanted to gather them all to Himself and to cover them with His salvation.  But, they would not receive Him. He saw the coming desolation. And it broke His heart.

Father in heaven, hallowed is Your Name. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done.  Let us hear the Word and be doers of it, to the praise and glory of Your Name. Keep us from the lies of the evil one and of his followers. Light of the World, overcome the darkness and bring Truth, the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Christ to our world today.  We seek to know You more and to love You completely.  Keep us in Your hand.  May we not be stumbling blocks or hypocrites. May we love justice, do mercy, and walk humbly with our God.  In Jesus' name we pray. amen.

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