Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mark 4   Jesus begins to teach using parables. When asked why, He responds, " To you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God; but those who are outside get everything in parables, in order that 'while seeing they may not perceive; and while hearing, they may hear and not understand lest they return and be forgiven.'" (v11-12)

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear. " Jesus says.  There is a "mystery"  that can only be discerned by those who have opened their hearts to receive the Word.  Those on the "outside".. are those who have hardened their hearts and refused to believe the Word, rejecting the Lord Jesus.

In the first parable, the Word is freely sown to all. The response is according to the state of one's heart:

There are some who will not receive the Word at all. It was given, but Satan snatches it away, for the heart is as hard as a well packed road.

There are some who enjoy the Word, but don't care enough to really think about it and they just move on with their lives.

There are some who start to think that the Word might be good and they start to look into it.. but there are so many more things in life that need their attention... they need more money, they want a bigger house, a better car, a more beautiful or handsome spouse.  Or they have worries and fears that they need to focus on first.. and there is no time to grow spiritually.

But, there are some who hear the Word and take it to heart.  They receive the truth and grow in the truth. They live it and their lives overflow with the greatness of God and the wonder of His love. Everywhere they go they plant more Words, sharing the good news of the Kingdom.

Jesus says, "Take care what you listen to.."

Lord, attune our ears to the Truth.  Let the Word of God produce in us much fruit for the Kingdom.  Take what has been planted in us and produce "the mature grain".. the tree that extends to all who need it.   Let our hearts be good soil, Lord.  You are the sower and You are the One who makes seeds grow.  We are so thankful for the Word and for the understanding that You give to us, so that we might know the mysteries of Your Kingdom. Complete that work that You have begun in us, for You are faithful.  Praise to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

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