Friday, August 2, 2013

Psalm 120 "In my trouble I cried to The Lord, and He answered me."   So thankful that The Lord hears our cries.  That He answers our prayers.  That He draws near, that He saves us and helps us.
This psalmist prays for deliverance from lies.  Maybe his own tendency to speak lies, or from the lies that others tell him.  Or maybe from the lies that others tell about him.   This has been my prayer for over a year now.  Lies told about my husband.  Hurtful and wicked lies. We still wait for The Lord to intervene in these matters. We place our trust in Him alone to bring deliverance.   I must admit that sometimes ( often times)  I wonder if He has heard us.  The answer has not yet come.  But I choose to  place myself in His Hands.  He is my Keeper.  He does not sleep.  He will protect us from evil.  He will keep our souls.   So, yes, thank You Lord that You hear our cries  and You deliver our souls from lying lips and deceitful tongues.  It is You, the maker of heaven and earth, that is our helper and we bless Your holy Name.

Hebrews 12  To live by faith then, is to run the race with our eyes fixed on the prize, on Jesus.  Jesus the author of faith; the chief, the captain, the prince, of faith.  Jesus the perfecter - the completer, the consummater, the finisher, of faith.  He endured the cross, He endured hostility, He endured it and now has received the place of honor at the right Hand of God's throne.  He is our example and our Helper.

As Jesus endured suffering, we are called to endure God's loving discipline. Discipline = chastening (KJ):  training, tutorage, education, correction, instruction, nurture.  As God's children we are to :
Take His discipline seriously ( v5)
Not faint
Understand it as a sign of His love ( v 6)
Realize it is a part of His receiving us - admission, accepting, drawing near, delighting in
"It is for discipline that you endure" v7.   Discipline is a part of sonship.   A Father disciplines His own children.  Illegitimate children do not receive that discipline.  If we don't receive the Father's discipline then we have no place in His family.  " .. but He disciplines us for our good, that we may share in His holiness. " v 10.  The purpose of God's discipline is to produce righteousness.  Our part is to be subject to the Father's training and correction.  To obey and to respect Him as our Heavenly Father, above and beyond our obedience and respect for our earthly fathers.
Paul often includes in his letters instruction for parents and children.   The children are to obey and respect. The fathers are to discipline and instruct. This completely reflects the relationship that God desires for us with Himself.  His part is the discipline and instruction, ours is the receiving and obedience.  Thank You Heavenly Father for Your great Love and discipline.  I desire to be obedient in every way.  May Your will be done in me today.  Help me to endure and not fail to follow You today. Amen.

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