Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Psalm 119: 89-96  Each section of this psalm corresponds to a letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  Each has 8 verses and each verse starts with that letter.  This section is Lamedh.  It celebrates the surety of the Word of God.  The Word is "forever".  It is "settled in Heaven".  Our God, who is faithful to every generation, who established the earth, is the One Who has established His Word.  The psalmist uses 10 different synonyms to talk of the Word of God - law, word, saying, commandment, statute, judgement, precept, testimony, way, and path. ( Bible Knowledge Commentary). Each word denotes something specific about God's Word:
Law - It gives us direction and instruction.
Word - It is God's revelation.
Saying - It is God's promises.
Commandment - It comes with God's authority.
Statute - It has been written and enacted - legislated.
Judgement - It is binding and judgement is based on it.
Precept - It is an injunction. A binding order to do or not do a specific action.
Testimony - It is a declaration of God's will.
Way/path - It is the pattern of life that God lays out for us.
The psalmist has found the Word of God to be his delight and his source of life.  By His Word God has revived (kept alive) him.
Like the psalmist, we must know the Word so that we can walk with God. If we do not know what God says, then we cannot know God at all. He has established it, He has revealed it, He has declared it, and we are to know it and obey it.
Father, teach me Your ways, fill me with "the knowledge of (Your) will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding",  that I also "may walk in a manner worthy of The Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God" ( Col. 1:9-10)

I Peter 2 Jesus is the "choice stone, a precious cornerstone"( v6)  and  the supreme example (v21) for those who believe.  But for unbelievers, the unpersuadeable, He is a stumbling block.  These are "disobedient to the word".  They reject Jesus and refuse the Word of God.
Peter's instructions are for us who believe in Christ the "living stone, rejected by men, but choice and precious in the sight of God." v4   We are "living stones" being built into a spiritual  house. We are royal priests, offering up spiritual sacrifices.  We are God's people and possession, proclaiming His "excellencies".  He called us out of darkness and into light. He chose us to be His own people.  He had mercy on us when we needed it most.  This is who we are as believers in Christ Jesus.  Therefore we are called to act in a "manner worthy of The Lord"
v12 - We are to keep our behavior excellent, doing good deeds that bring glory to God.
v13-14 - We are to submit to authority, to government.
v15 We are to do what is right.
v16 We are to act as free men, but not use our freedom to do evil, only to serve God.
v17 We are to honor others, love one another, fear God, and honor the king.
v18 We are to be submissive to masters, respectful even to the unreasonable ones.
v19-20  We are to patiently endure suffering, especially when it is for doing what is right.
v21 We are to follow Christ's example, entrusting ourselves into God's Hands, knowing He judges righteously.
He is our "Shepherd and Guardian ".  "He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness for by His wounds you were healed". v24-25.
Precious Cornerstone, Jesus, Lord of lords and King of kings,  thank You for calling me, choosing me, and making me a living stone, a royal priest, a child of God.  You are my Shepherd and I will follow You. Keep me in Your will. I entrust myself into Your care. Amen.

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