Monday, August 19, 2013

Psalm 119:81-88   There are times in our lives when, like the psalmist, we become desperate for the Lord's help.   He describes his situation in these terms:
His soul languishes -  he is done, finished, consumed, destroyed
His eyes fail - ( same word as languish) - he longs for the Word, but can't hear, see, or know it.
His body is "like a wineskin in the smoke" - dark, thick, hard, shriveled,
The arrogant persecute him and dig pits for him.
They have told lies about him.
They have "almost destroyed" him.
He is at the end of his rope, and at the end of himself.  But he has not lost all hope.  Even in the midst of a darkness that is overwhelming, he looks to The Lord.
" I wait for Thy Word".
"I do not forget Thy statutes".
"All Thy commandments are faithful."
" I did not forsake Thy precepts."
In the Law of God, there is hope and comfort.  There is a message of God's lovingkindness that revives and restores the one who looks to Him.  The Word takes our eyes off of the situation and turns them to the One Who shows us love and mercy.  Even when we are desperate and can't see Him, even when we are at the end of our rope, we can find hope in the Word of God.
It is in His strength that we are revived and able to walk in His ways.  We cannot do it ourselves.
Sometimes He takes us to the end of our ropes so that we learn to hold on to Him alone.
I have been there.  And I am so thankful that He never let me go!  Praise God for His lovingkindness.

I Peter 2:1-3 Peter instructs the reader to "long for the pure milk of the Word".  Like the psalmist, he encourages the believer to look to the "kindness of The Lord". In the Word we will find nutrition, as it were, to "grow in respect to salvation".   The unfailing, abiding, imperishable Word of God is the way of growing up into all that Christ has provided through His death on the cross.  If we have "tasted" His kindness, then we will want to continue to grow up spiritually.
But, there is also a "putting aside" that we have to do.  In order to drink the "pure milk" we need to stop drinking the bad stuff.  "... malice, all guile, and  hypocrisy, and envy and all slander"
Malice - badness, depravity, trouble, evil, naughtiness, wickedness.   Put it aside.
All guile - trickery, deceit, craftiness.  Stop it.
Hypocrisy - falseness, pretending.  Be real.
Envy -ill will, spite, jealousy.  Be content and let it go.
All slander - defamation, backbiting.  KJV says "evil speakings".   Remember the old saying, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all."
As we replace our source of nutrition, being renewed in our thinking by the milk of God's Word, we will grow up spiritually.  We will be "transformed by the renewing of you (our)  mind(s)".( Romans 12:2).
Oh what grace we have been given.  That God has given to us His living Word!  That we can call upon Him for every need and know that He is faithful.   Father God, "give me understanding that I may observe Thy law, and keep it with all my heart. Make me walk in the path of They commandments, for I delight in it." (Psalm 119:34-35)

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