Monday, August 26, 2013

Psalm 119:121-128   We do the best we can, Lord.  We try to do "justice and righteousness".  We turn our eyes to You, in faith, with hope of salvation.  We look into Your "righteous Word".  But, Lord, we need You! Deal with me "according to Thy lovingkindness".  Teach me. Make me understand. Act on my behalf, so that I might walk with You in Truth.  That I might also "hate every false way".   Your Word is better than the finest gold.  Open my eyes to know it.  Fill my heart with love for Your Word.   God of all Grace, You have called me to Your eternal glory in Christ.  Perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish me. ( I Peter 5:10) According to Your precious Word and through The Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

II Peter 1
Peter writes to those who have received faith "of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ".  Faith of the same value or origin as Peter's faith.  Not false faith, pretend faith, or fruitless faith. ( Matthew Henry's commentary)  " True saving faith is a precious grace, and that not only as it is very uncommon, very scarce, even in the visible church, a very small number of true believers among a great multitude of visible professors." Henry goes on to describe TRUE FAITH.
It is a "truly divine spiritual life"
It  "procures all the necessary supports and comforts of this excellent life"
It goes to Christ for all things "buys the wine and milk which are proper nourishment of the new creature" ( Isaiah 55:1)
It "brings home the tried gold, the heavenly treasure that enriches"
It "takes and puts on the white robes that clothe and adorn"
"The just lives by faith".   They LIVE -  eat, drink, dress, breathe, work, - by faith.
Peter wants us to have the "same kind" of faith that God gave him, that God gives us and  wants us to  receive.
Faith that unites the weak and the strong to Christ.  Faith that purifies our heart.  Faith that justifies us in the sight of God.  Faith that "takes hold of the same precious Saviour, and applies the same precious promises".  Faith that is a gift from God. Faith that comes by the Spirit, through the righteousness of Christ. Faith that is precious because it is based on the perfect obedience of Christ Who died for us and Who rose from the dead to sit at the right Hand of the Father.

Father, may we not be mere professors of faith but True believers, with true saving faith. Faith that is real and fruitful. Faith the permeates every aspect of our lives. Every day.  Faith that takes hold of Jesus.  Faith that really rests on all of Your precious promises.  Oh Lord, we do not want to be pretenders, ever. Come and fill us with "Grace and peace" multiplied to us "in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." (v2)

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