Thursday, August 15, 2013

Psalm 119:65-72  Affliction.  Not a pleasant thought.  But the psalmist is thankful for the affliction he has suffered. v67 "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Thy Word." v71 "It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Thy statutes." and v 75 "I know, O Lord that Thy judgements are righteous and that in faithfulness Thou hast afflicted me."
Affliction was needed to keep him from going astray from God and His Word.
Affliction was for his good, not evil.
Affliction was from the faithful heart of God, Who loves His children and disciplines those He loves.
Affliction is humbling. Even abasing or browbeating.  It is depressing.  It is difficult and hurtful.
But when the affliction is loving discipline from the Hand of the righteous Father, then it is GOOD.
"Thou art good and doest good."  the psalmist testifies.  God deals with us well.  He teaches us "good discernment and knowledge."  He gives us His Word which is "better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces."  Let me learn Your ways O Lord.

I Peter 1:6-9  Peter tells the readers to rejoice even if they have been "distressed by various trials."
Affliction.  ( Amazing how a lesson from the Psalms and a passage in my regular reading so often parallel one another... hmmm).  Here,  Peter says that this affliction in the form of trials, is "proof (evidence of the trustworthiness) of your faith".  It tests this precious commodity. It proves that your faith is genuine.  This "results in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
Just as in Ps.119, this difficulty, this uncomfortable, even devastating trial, is "good".  Because it is an instrument in the Hand of our Good God!  And in this we can rejoice.
Genuine, tested faith brings a glorious outcome, " the salvation of your souls". v10.  It means loving the One we have not seen.  It means believing in Him, even when we still cannot see His face. It is rejoicing with "joy inexpressible and full of glory" because of Him. Even in times of affliction.
In verse 13 Peter gives us 3 things to help us .
1. Gird your minds for action.
2. Keep sober in spirit.
3. Fix your hope completely on the grace to come.
Gird - to fasten on one's belt.  In Ephesians Paul tells us to gird ourselves with the belt of Truth.  We need our thoughts to be surrounded by the Truth of God's Word. Filled with His Voice of Truth. Ready to do what He says.  Sheep, following the Shepherd's voice.
Sober- discreet, watching, careful and not careless.  Not drunk from the excesses of the world.
A fixed hope - a living hope - rests completely on God's amazing Grace.
 Jesus, You are power, You are mighty, You are joy.  Fill my mind with Your Truth, fill my eyes with Your love, and grant me Your living hope fixed on the Grace to come eternally. Amen.

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