Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Psalm 119:49-56 The Word of God brings hope.  It brings comfort. It brings life. .  It also brings indignation against wickedness.  "Burning indignation" - horror, anger,  consuming sadness.  When the Word has become ours, when we keep it, guard it, love it, obey it, rely upon it;  when we consume it for nourishment of our souls and it becomes part of us,  then we will have these same reactions as the psalmist.  We will find that God grants us hope and removes despair.  We can trust in His plan and purposes and know that they are good, because He is Good.  We will be able to comfort ourselves in the Truth, that God is Sovereign, and He always wins.  Even when we are derided - scoffed at , mocked, or scorned.  Just as Jesus suffered and was victorious, so we can find comfort that God is always with us.  The Word brings life.  Real life with real value, for eternity.  And the Word also brings "burning indignation".  We are horrified, angry, and saddened by those who forsake the Law of God.  We see people arrogantly flaunting their sin and proclaiming themselves "right".  We hear people declaring themselves god of their lives and are horrified and saddened that they are heading to hell.  And then they turn around and believe that their unbelieving loved one dies and becomes an angel!  Oh, how deceived and lost they are, these ones who choose their own ways and scorn the Word of God.
Merciful Father, send forth Your Light, Your Truth, Your Grace into this lost and dying world. May we turn back to Your Word and find hope, comfort and life in the only True way, in Jesus Christ Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Amen

James 5
v1-6  James encourages the reader to examine their hearts in regard to their riches.  Earthly treasures will rot, rust, or become moth-eaten.  Living luxuriously, selfishly, while treating employees unfairly and inhumanely, will bring you to a place of misery and howling.  Judgement is coming, and "the Judge is standing right at the door."
v7 - 11  James encourages the "brethren" to be patient, to endure, to strengthen their hearts, and to follow the example of the prophets and of Job; knowing that "the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful. ( Finding hope and comfort in the Word).
v12-19  James encourages the brethren to pray.   Pray with integrity and honesty.  Pray when you are suffering and when you are joyful. Pray when you are sick and have the elders pray and anoint you.  Pray with faith.  Pray for forgiveness, confessing your sins.  Pray for one another.  Pray like Elijah, effectively and in righteousness.  Pray for those who have strayed from the Truth.  Pray for opportunities to turn sinners from the "error of his way and save his soul from death".   Pray because prayer changes things. God changes hearts and lives. God can and will bring hope, comfort, and life. Thank You Father for Your Word and Your Compassion and Mercy.  Amen.

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