Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Psalm 119: 9-16  In order to walk a pure "way", a path , a life, that pleases God, the psalmist teaches us to keep it according to the Word.  He testifies that he has sought God with all his heart in order to stay pure and faithful to the Word of God.   His prayer is that he not "wander" from the commandments.  ( not go astray, not make mistakes, transgress, reel, err, be ravished, be ignorant)
He does his part by: treasuring the Word in his heart; speaking the Word with his lips; rejoicing in God's Word ( testimonies); meditating on the Word; regarding God's ways; delighting in the Word; and remembering ( not forget) the Word.
Yet he realizes his need for God's help and his utter dependence on God to walk this walk.  It begins with seeking God.  It is praying for God to not let him stray, teaching him and guarding him.  He praises The Lord, blessing Him for the help that God gives, for he cannot walk this path by his own efforts.
Father,  teach me Your ways, keep me from straying in this journey of my life.  Help me to do my part faithfully, to treasure Your Word, for it is certainly more precious than gold; to speak Your Word, even when others don't want to hear it; to rejoice in Your Word, for it is GOOD NEWS; to observe Your ways, Your Word lived out by others; to delight in Your Word, for the precious promises are sweet and full of hope; and to remember Your Word, keeping my thoughts and meditations focused on You. "Blessed art Thou, O Lord"!

Hebrews 13
The writer concludes this letter to the Hebrews with reminders of what the "acceptable service" to The Lord looks like in action.  It is first of all "love of the brethren".  It is showing hospitality to those we may not know; it is remembering those who suffer in prison or from persecution; it is being faithful in marriage. It is having godly character, free from greed and selfishness.  It is regarding respectfully those who brought God's Word to us.  It is staying focused on the truth of God's Word and trusting in Him alone.  It is following Jesus to the cross.  It is praise and thanksgiving to the Holy One.  It is offering sacrifices of doing good and sharing with those in need.
The benediction is powerful, words to remember and meditate on:
" Now the God of peace who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep,
through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord,
equip you in every good thing,
to do His will,
working in us that which is pleasing in His sight,
through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever.  Amen. " Heb. 13:20-21

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