Friday, August 23, 2013

Psalm 119:113-120  Lord, You are my hiding place.  You are my shield.  Thank You for the protection and security of Your Words.  You sustain me.  You hold me up.  You keep me safe when I am in the center of Your Will.   Keep me there Lord.  In the path of Life, in You.
The evildoers depart from You.  The deceitful wander away from Your Word.  Those who reject Your Word will be removed "like dross".   We do well to fear Your judgements.  To tremble "in our flesh".  Oh sustain us, uphold us. Hide us in the cleft of the Rock.  Amen.

I Peter 5  Instructions for the leaders of the church.  Shepherd the flock. Be examples to the flock.
Be humble.  Be sober.  Resist the devil.  Cast all your anxiety on the One Who cares for you.
In light of what Christ has suffered. In anticipation of His appearing.  And in dependence on His loving care.... live this way.
A precious promise " .. the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. " v10b
"To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen" v11

It is ALL in His Hands! I am in His Hands.

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