Monday, August 5, 2013

Psalm 119:1-8  Blessing is connected to our "ways", our course of life, our journey through the paths of life and our actions along the way.   A blessed or happy life is given to those:
1.  Who are blameless- have integrity, are truthful, sincere, whole, and unblemished, ( v1)
2.  Who walk in the law, observe His testimonies, keep His precepts, and keep His statutes,  - in other words, are obedient to the Word of God. ( v1,2, 4, 5, )
3.   Who seek Him with all their heart, do no unrighteousness, look to Him, give thanks to Him, learn His righteous judgements, and depend on Him. ( v2, 3, 6, 7, and 8)

We must look to Him to know His ways.  It is obedience to the Word of God, by faith in the heart of God.  He establishes us in His ways, to keep His instructions, so that we can be blameless and thankful and blessed.  If we are not seeking His instruction in His Word, then we are not going to know Him.  Just as Hebrews 12 tells us, God is our Father, Who disciplines, instructs, and trains us in His ways.  If we refuse the training and instruction then we are "illegitimate" and not "sons".

 Our Heavenly Father requires His children to know His Ways.   As every father establishes the rules of his household, our Father has established His own rules.  We find those in His Word.  Any good father does more than just make a list of rules,  he loves and provides and trains his children to live the way he desires.  He is the example as well as the instructor.   God the Father has established this pattern by His own example.  And He sent Jesus Christ as the perfect example of what He desires His children to be.  Jesus knew completely what the Word taught.  He walked in the ways of God in perfect obedience. He looked to the Father in every thing He did.  He was and is the perfect Son.  He wants to help us to be the same.  Oh thank You gracious God that You gave us Your Son and Your Spirit to help us to walk in Your ways. "Oh that  my ways may be established to keep Thy statutes! Then I shall not be ashamed."

Hebrews 12 Discipline is not always pleasant, but here we are told it is fruitful.   "it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness".   And as the psalmist reminded us, righteousness, blamelessness, brings blessing.   The writer of Hebrews, like the psalmist, directs us to the ways of God. We are to walk in "straight paths."   We are to "pursue peace" and "sanctification".   We are to extend grace and refuse immorality and godlessness. We are to hear His voice and receive His kingdom, the only Kingdom that cannot be shaken.
Israel received the Law of God on Mount Sinai.  There was fire and darkness, gloom, and wind.  There was a trumpet blast and Words spoken from Heaven that terrified them.
We receive the Word at "Mount Zion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,"  with angels and "righteous men made perfect", and with Jesus "the mediator of a new covenant and to the sprinkled blood which speaks better than the blood of Abel".  Mount Sinai was shaken, but Mount Zion will never be shaken. Therefore  "let us show gratitude by which we may offer God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire."  ( v28-29).
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word, for Your Spirit Who leads us in the ways of Your Beloved Son.  Guide my thoughts and my actions in righteousness and in grace.   Bless my family with Your loving instructions that lead to life and happiness.  May they choose the straight paths and always seek You. I ask this in the Name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior, the mediator of this new covenant.  Amen.

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