Friday, August 9, 2013

Psalm 119:33-40  The psalmist shows utter dependence on the Writer of the Word to help him do what the Word commands.  "Teach me" ; "Give me";  "Make me" ;  "Establish Thy Word" to me; and "Revive me".    All requests, prayers of the heart.  The writer does love the Word and desires to do the Word, but he humbly realizes that he cannot keep the Word through his own efforts.  He must depend on the One whose ordinances are good, to help him.   It is in this attitude of dependence and trust, that he finds hope and revival of his heart.  Likewise, we are to delight in God's Word, but realize in true humility that we are completely dependent on Him do help us to live according to its ways.
v37 "Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity." This prayer is so deep and challenging to pray.  The things of this world are enticing and keep our eyes and minds occupied with that which is useless, fruitless, vain. "Vanity"  speaks of that which is desolating and destructive, false and useless, deceptive and idolatrous.  To really walk according to God's Word we need to have our eyes (and minds) focused on it, not on the things of this world.  Am I able to honestly pray this prayer?  What about my favorite TV show?  What about facebook and games?  Oh Lord, I too need Your help!  Give me a  desire for You and turn my eyes from that which is not You.  Do it Lord, for I am weak and You are strong.  Thank You for being the perfect Father and the Gentle Shepherd.  Amen.

James 3
Not only do I hear the Lord's exhortation about my eyes in Psalm 119, but now I read in James about the problem with my tongue!  We all stumble, James tells us, and one of the biggest problems is our lack of control over our tongues.  How many fires have we started?  Just how untamed is your tongue? It can be utterly destructive.  I believe that!
But, James gives us instructions to help us with this devastating problem.  We again are called to prayer.  To seek God's gift of wisdom.  For the wisdom that God gives to us freely is: " first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy, and good fruits, unwavering without hypocrisy." v17.  We need His wisdom to replace our "earthly, natural, demonic" wisdom, which is filled with jealousy and selfish ambition.
Once again the prayer of my heart is "Help"!  Take my tongue and my eyes, take all of me Lord!
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, teach me Your ways. I desire the heavenly wisdom that comes only from You. Let Your Word fill my mind and heart that I might not sin against you with my eyes or with my lips.  In and through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever, Amen.

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