Friday, July 12, 2013

Hebrews 11 The faith that "gained approval"  was looking forward to what could not be seen.  It was speaking about what would come when God fulfilled His promises. It was enduring the present because of what was to come.  Believing, obeying, acting, speaking, and looking towards the "reward".
Abraham went out to a new land and became a father of nations.
Sarah conceived and became the mother of Isaac.
Isaac spoke blessings over his sons believing that God would fulfill His promises to them.
Jacob also spoke blessings over his sons and grandsons, believing God would delivered them back to the promised land.
Moses was kept hidden because his parents believed God would preserve him.
Moses chose to be associated with the Jews instead of the house of Pharaoh, looking forward to what God promised, but was yet unseen.
Over and over men and women believed and acted in obedience because God had something greater ahead for them.
This is what we are also called to do. Set aside the "encumbrance" the things of the present life, and look ahead to Jesus, to all He has provided by His death on the cross, to all He has prepared for us from His throne as He sits at the right Hand of God.
Faith is being persuaded and acting in accordance to what we cannot see with our present physical eyes. When we have faith we our a witness of the unseen, better, heavenly treasures, the reward promised, the same that Abraham looked forward to - " the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God."   The "country of their own" that "better country, that is a heavenly one"; the "better resurrection" , the "something better for us".
We live by faith when we live in accordance to what is ahead, promised by God, witnessed by a great cloud who have gone before us, and provided perfectly by Jesus, the "author and perfecter of faith."
He lived and died, looking ahead to the  "joy set before Him" .
May we "not grow weary and lose heart".  But look to Him.
This is what I will do with His help.   I look ahead to all He has for me, in this life and for eternity.
Thank You Lord!

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