Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Psalm 119: 97-104  The psalmist expresses his love for the Word.  It is his constant meditation.  He reflects on the benefits of knowing and doing what God has revealed in His Word.
v98  It makes him "wiser than my enemies"
v99 It gives "more insight than all my teachers"
v100 It gives him "more understanding than the aged"
v101 It has kept him "from every evil way"
Who doesn't want to have more wisdom, insight, and understanding?  Who doesn't want to avoid evil and false ways?
Yes, the Word of God is "sweet"!  "Sweeter than honey" the psalmist declares.  What God has revealed in His Word is better than the best thing he can think of!   Love it and live it.  Constantly meditate and reflect on it. Keep filling up your mind with what God has said. Do it and you will be able to declare with the psalmist, " I have restrained my feet from every evil way."
Father in heaven, this is my prayer.  I love Your Word. It is sweeter than anything in this world.
Thank you.

I Peter 3 The qualities of a life given over to Christ wholly are explained here by Peter's letter. It is not a life we usually choose of our own volition. Nor is it one we can live consistently by our own will power.  It is a life of humble submission, respect, gentleness, harmony, sympathy, love and kindness.  It is returning evil with blessing, it is suffering for doing what is right and not complaining.  It is keeping our tongues under control, seeking peace, and obeying God's Word, no matter what.
It is a wife winning over an unbelieving husband without a word, submitting, respecting, loving him with a quiet gentleness.
It is a husband caring for and honoring his wife with understanding and respect.
It is every believer putting Christ first, living in hope, gently and reverently sharing the Truth with any who ask.  It is keeping a good conscience, doing right, and enduring the hard times with a right attitude.
Oh no, it is not something we can do, but it is what Christ can do in us when we "sanctify" Him as "Lord in your hearts". (v15).  Sanctify - make holy, set apart, consecrate, venerate.
He died for our sins, "the just for the unjust".
He brought us to God.
He rescued us from disobedience and washed us from guilt and sin.
He sits at the right hand of the Father and all "angels and authorities and powers" have been made subject to Him.
He is indeed, Lord of All. King. Sovereign. Ruler. God.  Christ Jesus, our Savior, our Shepherd, is Great and Wonderful, worthy of our praise and worship.
Open our eyes Lord, that we will really see You. In the Glory of  Your Majesty and Splendor.  That we will adore You and praise You with our whole hearts.  Oh we see so dimly now!  Fill our hearts Lord Jesus! I set You apart in my heart as Lord . Reign and rule in me forever. Amen.

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