Friday, August 16, 2013

Psalm 119:73-80  The psalmist's heart is continually tuned to the song of the Savior.   Here he reminds us of the attributes of the God he serves.
v 73 "Thy hands made me and fashioned me".   Our God is the Creator of heaven and earth.  There is nothing that exists that He did not make.  He made everything out of nothing.  He made us, each of us, purposely and thoughtfully.  The idea of fashioning us comes from a Hebrew word that speaks of setting up, preparing, ordering, perfecting, establishing.
v75 "...Thy judgements are righteous"  Our God is perfectly just.  Never unfair in the verdict He pronounces.  He has told us plainly that sin will result in death, that we are all sinners, and that our only hope is Jesus.  We all have sinned; we all deserve death; but Jesus died in our place.
".. and that in faithfulness Thous hast afflicted me."  Our God is faithful.  He allows circumstances and trials and afflictions into our life to draw us to Himself, to teach us His ways, for our good.
v76 "O may Thy lovingkindness comfort me."  The heart of our God is revealed in His Word.  He loves us.  He desires to pour out that love upon us. We can receive it and be comforted.
v77 "May Thy compassion come to me that I may live."  Our God is the source of life.  There is no other.  It is the compassion of God that sent Jesus to die in my place. Only in Him do I receive real life.
In response to these truths the psalmist continues to pray for God's Word to permeate his life. He desires a heart that is "blameless" so that he will not be ashamed.  He wants to live a life that will cause other believers to "see me and be glad".  To even "turn to" him.  To be an encouragement and an example to others who follow the Word of God.
"Give me understanding, that I may learn Thy commandments."  Father, this is my prayer also.  To know Your Word, to walk in Your Truth, every day, every moment. Thank You for creating me. You are righteous, faithful, loving, and compassionate.  I praise Your holy Name. Amen

I Peter 14-25  The salvation "ready to be revealed in the last time" was :
prophesied by the prophets
preached by the power of the Holy Spirit
longed for by the angels
presented by Jesus Christ
purchased with precious blood
planned before the foundation of the earth
purposed by God
proclaimed by the imperishable Word of God.
So, obey, be holy, conduct yourself fearfully, know the worth of your redemption, purify your soul, love one another from the heart.
Eternity is at stake.  "Therefore gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." v13.

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