Friday, August 30, 2019

Mark 6

Do you ever wonder about the earthly family of Jesus?

 In chapter 3 Mark tells us that His family tried to take Him into "custody" thinking He had "lost His senses". (v21)  In verse 32 we are told that His mother and brothers were "outside" looking for Him. Here we are told that the people in Jesus' hometown knew that Mary was His mother and that His brothers were James, Jose, Judas, and Simon.  They also knew His sisters.  Common folk.. with an uncommon son/brother.  This made it difficult for the people to accept Jesus and His teaching. "And He wondered at their unbelief." Even His own brothers did not believe until after the resurrection! Acts 1:14 records this.. " These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers."  James became a leader in the early church and it is thought that the book of Jude was written by His brother,  Judas.  There is no further mention of Jose or Simon.. or the sisters of Jesus. Did they also come to faith in Jesus?  I hope so!   One more thought - In John 19:25-27 we are told that Mary, the mother of Jesus and her sister were present at the foot of the cross.  Jesus commits her into the care of John and "from that hour the disciple took her into this own household."  Why John?  Why not one of the brothers?
Makes me wonder...

Anyway.. Jesus sends out his 12 disciples to preach.  They were given instructions to:
Take no bread
Take no bag
Take no money
Wear sandals and one tunic.
No back up plans, no extra resources.. just faith in the One who sent them.

They had authority over unclean spirits.
They anointed the sick to be healed.
And, they shook off the dust from the soles of their feet when they were not received or listened to..

Then they came back exhausted.. so Jesus took them off to a "lonely place" to rest.  However, what happened next was not what they had in mind!

Father in heaven,  You have called us Your children.  You have made us the brothers and sisters of Jesus !  You have given us hearts to believe and to receive Your Word. We are reminded again, that no matter what the circumstances, You are all we need.  Father, I thank You that the brothers of Jesus came to believe in Him.  And, once again I ask that You would bring my own brothers to believe in Him too.  Thank You that nothing is impossible for You!  Thank You that You love them even more than I do. Thank You that You hear my prayer today.  For it is in the name of Jesus that I come. Amen.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mark 5:21-43  Two more amazing miracles are recorded in this passage.  These two are woven together, each revealing the power and authority of the King who reigns over His creation.

Jesus was approached by Jairus, a synagogue official.  Jairus' daughter was critically ill and dying.
As Jesus heads towards Jairus' home, He is surrounded by multitudes, pressing in and around Him. So many needy and hurting people.. but, there was one who reached out in faith and touched His garment with hope of healing.  This poor woman had suffered for 12 years.  No physician could help her and so she had gotten worse instead of better.  What is fascinating about this passage is that Jesus felt "the power proceeding from Him had gone forth.. "  He stopped and focused on this one woman.
She was so afraid that she was trembling.  Perhaps she expected a rebuke.. but Jesus offered only peace and healing!   Our King pours out His grace and compassion on those who come to Him in faith.  What a wonderful truth about His Kingdom! We need to remember that He knows each of us and can feel us when we reach out to Him in faith!

Meanwhile, the daughter of Jairus dies. But, Jesus tells him, " Do not be afraid any longer, only believe."  And so he does!  Jesus raises this young girl from death.  It is done privately.  It is done simply.  And, He gives them orders to tell no one.  Only seven people were in that room, and one of them was dead. Jesus takes this child by the hand and she gets up and walks!

In these four miracles we are reminded that:

Jesus has authority over all of nature.. even mighty storms.
Jesus has authority over every supernatural power.
Jesus has authority over every illness.
Jesus has authority over death.

Our God reigns.  His Kingdom has come. We are citizens in His Kingdom now and forever more !

Father in heaven we give You all praise and thanksgiving for You have sent to us a Mighty Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord, who reigns over all the earth.  This truth is what gives us hope!  In Your Kingdom, You have given to us a Savior, Shepherd, and Ruler who loves and cares for us and Who exalts and glorifies You in every way.  We will follow Jesus and live according to the Word by the power of Your Spirit.  Amen!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mark 4:35-5:43   There are four amazing miracles recorded in this passage.  Four glimpses into the Kingdom of God.. I'll look at two today.

Jesus and His disciples were in a boat crossing the sea of Galilee. There was a "fierce gale" and waves that were "breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling up."  This was a serious storm. Some of these men were fishermen who grew up on these waters.. yet they were afraid.
Jesus, however, was asleep and unconcerned.  When they woke Him up, Jesus said three words, "Hush, be still".  And the wind and waves obeyed.   Like the disciples, we need to ask, "Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?"   

Jesus is the "appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.." Hebrews 1:2.  He "upholds all things by the word of His power." (v3) Not only was everything made through Him, but it was made for Him.. "For it is fitting for Him for whom are all things and through whom are all things.. " (2:10) The wind and the sea are His creations and they were made FOR Him... As were we..
Jesus asked His disciples, "Why are you so timid? How is it that you have no faith?" ( Mark 4:40)
We pray, "Your kingdom come.."  Yet, do we understand fully that the King reigns even over wind and waves.. are we ready to see His Kingdom in this way?

The second miracle in this passage is the deliverance of the man possessed by a legion of demons. This man couldn't be chained or shackled because of his strength.  No man could subdue him, but he was imprisoned by the evil spirits and spent his life in a graveyard, miserable and trying to harm himself.  I cannot imagine the depth of his despair and pain.  He truly had no hope, until Jesus came.
As soon as he saw Jesus, he knew. The demons inside him were immediately afraid. They begged for mercy from Jesus, recognizing Him as the "Son of the Most High God".  Jesus allowed the demons to enter the swine.  He gave the man clothes and sat down with him.  Wonder what they talked about?
Probably Jesus told him about the Kingdom of God. For the King came to overcome the darkness, to break the chains of Satan, to deliver men from captivity.  This is what His Kingdom is about!

Father in heaven, You have granted authority to Jesus, Your Beloved Son, to bring Your Kingdom to earth.. to us!  So thankful for Your amazing grace and unending mercy and for the power of Your Word.   May Your Kingdom increase and overcome the present darkness of this world. May Jesus reign and bring glory to You, our Father. Amen.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mark 4   Jesus begins to teach using parables. When asked why, He responds, " To you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God; but those who are outside get everything in parables, in order that 'while seeing they may not perceive; and while hearing, they may hear and not understand lest they return and be forgiven.'" (v11-12)

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear. " Jesus says.  There is a "mystery"  that can only be discerned by those who have opened their hearts to receive the Word.  Those on the "outside".. are those who have hardened their hearts and refused to believe the Word, rejecting the Lord Jesus.

In the first parable, the Word is freely sown to all. The response is according to the state of one's heart:

There are some who will not receive the Word at all. It was given, but Satan snatches it away, for the heart is as hard as a well packed road.

There are some who enjoy the Word, but don't care enough to really think about it and they just move on with their lives.

There are some who start to think that the Word might be good and they start to look into it.. but there are so many more things in life that need their attention... they need more money, they want a bigger house, a better car, a more beautiful or handsome spouse.  Or they have worries and fears that they need to focus on first.. and there is no time to grow spiritually.

But, there are some who hear the Word and take it to heart.  They receive the truth and grow in the truth. They live it and their lives overflow with the greatness of God and the wonder of His love. Everywhere they go they plant more Words, sharing the good news of the Kingdom.

Jesus says, "Take care what you listen to.."

Lord, attune our ears to the Truth.  Let the Word of God produce in us much fruit for the Kingdom.  Take what has been planted in us and produce "the mature grain".. the tree that extends to all who need it.   Let our hearts be good soil, Lord.  You are the sower and You are the One who makes seeds grow.  We are so thankful for the Word and for the understanding that You give to us, so that we might know the mysteries of Your Kingdom. Complete that work that You have begun in us, for You are faithful.  Praise to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Mark 3   I want to continue looking at the key pictures that Mark gives us to show us the Kingdom of God.

In verses 1-6 Jesus goes into a synagogue and heals a man with a withered hand.  The Pharisees we're watching. looking for something to accuse Him.  Here Jesus teaches us about what is truly valuable, "Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save a life or to kill?"  They had no answer and no compassion.. Jesus was angry, "grieved at their hardness of heart,"  In God's Kingdom the life of a man, the need of this particular man, was of more value than the Sabbath law.
Picture this poor man, unable to care for his family.  Unable to farm or work for a living.  Jesus knew the man was there before He even went into the synagogue.  He knew that the Pharisees would try to trap Him.   But, not only did He want to help this man and had compassion for him, Jesus wanted to reveal a Kingdom truth - Mercy is greater than the Law. 

In verses 7-19 Mark records that the news of Jesus had spread all over the country and beyond.  People were coming from everywhere. The crowds were becoming oppressive. Everyone wanted to touch Him and be healed.  Even the unclean spirits were crying out!  Jesus calls 12 men and appoints them as His apostles.  He gives them the authority "to cast out the demons."  He sends them out to preach the good news of the Kingdom.  The Kingdom truth here is that Jesus not only has authority over the unclean spirits, but that He gives that authority to His chosen followers.

Verses 20-35 The Jews accuse Jesus of being possessed by Beelzebul... Satan. They are so hard-hearted that they refuse to accept the presence of God and then they give credit to Satan.  Jesus patiently explains that this is impossible.. for if Satan was casting out himself.. it would all be over!  Only One who is greater than Satan could cast him out.  Jesus goes on to say that they were blaspheming the Holy Spirit in their accusations.. and this was unforgivable.. "an eternal sin".  Here is another Kingdom truth -Satan is bound by the One who is greater. What good news!!!

In God's kingdom:
Mercy is greater than law.
Jesus has all authority.
Satan is defeated and bound by the One who is greater.
All who do the will of God.. become the "brother and sister and mother" of Jesus, Himself.

Father, open my ears to hear  and by heart to understand Your word and what Your will is for me.
Where have I put rules as more valuable than mercy or compassion? When have I missed the fact that You have all authority in heaven and earth?  Teach me and fill me with the truth of the Holy Spirit.
I ask this in Your name, Jesus, amen.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Mark 2  If we look at the book of Mark in the light of his opening statement.. "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God." .. and Jesus' statement, " The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.."  Then, we can take Mark's somewhat hurried account of event after event.. as snapshots.. postcards..declarations... of the Kingdom's appearance.. of His reign, come to earth.

In this chapter Mark writes about  the paralytic let down through the roof.  Here, Jesus makes the startling statement, "My son, your sins are forgiven."  He heals the man.. " in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins."  ( v2-13)

Next, Mark records the calling of Matthew the tax-collector and the dinner at his house with other tax-collectors and sinners. When the Pharisees question this, Jesus declares, " it is not those who are healthy that need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous but sinners." ( v14-17)

Then,  there was a question about fasting and Jesus compares Himself to the bridegroom who is present, but who would go away.. (v19-20)

Finally, Mark writes of the disciples plucking grains and eating them on the Sabbath and how that offended the Pharisees.  Jesus responds that, " The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. Consequently, the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath." 

Four remarkable statements.. pictures.. monuments, if you will, of the Kingdom:
Jesus, the One with authority to forgive sins.
Jesus, the One who came to call sinners.
Jesus, the One Present with them, but who would go before them.
Jesus, the Lord over "even the Sabbath".. over every Law, every statute, every commandment.

Verses 21-22 sometimes seem out of place in this sequence of events ( to me at least).. but maybe I am beginning to understand what Jesus means when He talks about not putting a new cloth on an old garment or new wine in an old wineskin.  The disciples, the crowd, the Pharisees.. were all comfortable and familiar with their old ideas of the Kingdom of God, and Jesus was giving them a whole new picture. The Truth of God's Kingdom couldn't just be a patch or a replacement in an old vessel.. There had to be a complete change in each individual.  A new birth.  A new creation.

Oh so thankful, that Jesus came to call sinners, to forgive sins, to reign forever as King of kings and Lord of lords. So thankful that God's Kingdom has come and that the Bridegroom is coming back again to take us to be with Him forever.  How much greater and more wonderful is the True Kingdom of God than anything thought or imagined by those who questioned, challenged, and crucified our Gracious Savior.  Father, open our eyes, fill our hearts with Your Word and Your Spirit, that we might declare the truth of Your Kingdom everywhere we go.  Amen.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mark 1

Mark rushes head on with the narrative of the gospel.  The "beginning" of the story, he writes, is the coming of John, who baptized with water.. "preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins."  Next, is the appearance of Jesus at the Jordan, being baptized by John, being anointed by the Spirit, and announced by the Father.. " Thou are My beloved Son, in Thee I am well-pleased." 

Jesus is impelled by the Spirit into the wilderness, tempted for 40 days by Satan, and ministered to by angels. From there, Mark tells  of the calling of disciples, the healing of the sick, the casting out of demons, and the preaching of the gospel.  All of this in one chapter....

From the little town of Nazareth,  Jesus emerges into the ministry that He came for.. to tell the good news, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." 

It's time!  Time for repentance. Time to turn around and find the One True God.  Time to see Him in a way that none had ever seen before.. in the Person of Jesus Christ, His Beloved Son.

Mark doesn't want to waste any time in getting to the point.. Jesus Christ, the Son of God.. came to save, to heal, to deliver.... so let us have eyes to see and ears to hear!

Father in heaven, give us new understanding of the wonderful old story.. of Jesus and the Kingdom.. of Your love and power and forgiveness. Teach us Your ways and Your Word in the power of Your Spirit.  Breathe into us new life, we pray. In Jesus' name. amen.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Matthew 27-28  The Lord Jesus is crucified.. and I never can read that part of the story without also reading of His resurrection!  What seemed like the end.. is only the beginning.  Some of the most important words in these two chapters.. " He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said."  

Jesus silently endured the accusations of the Jewish leaders, but spoke to Pilate.  He could have come down from the cross.. but He chose to finish the work that He was sent to do.. to take the full punishment for sin.  Those who were mocking Him and spitting on Him, even those who were crucifying Him... could be saved, if only they repented and believed on Him.  On that third day.. they knew.. They knew that all that He said was true.  Did any repent?

If we had been there.. would we have believed?  Would we have been convinced that this beaten, bloody body, was truly the King of the world? O, how thankful I am that we have the whole gospel and we know that our salvation was purchased on that cross, the full price for our sins.. paid in full!

Father, once again this old, old story, rings out across the pages of Your Word, and fills my heart with thanksgiving. I am as guilty as the ones that pounded the nails. I am as unworthy as the one who yelled, "Crucify Him".  Yet, because of Your great grace.. I have come to believe in the One who has been given all authority in heaven and on earth!  May Your love and grace flow through me so that more will come to know You and be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Matthew 26  Jesus clearly reveals to His disciples what is about to happen.  Judas makes his deal with the chief priests. The disciples gather in the upper room for their last Passover with Jesus. Again, Jesus makes it abundantly clear that His body will be broken and His blood shed.  They go into Gethsemane where Jesus prays and the disciples sleep.. and the betrayer comes.

Everything that happens.. every detail.. is according to God's plan.  Prophecy is fulfilled. Jesus is condemned to die and the Jewish leaders are taking upon themselves the shedding of innocent blood.
Judas has committed a betrayal that Jesus says is so horrid that it would have been better if he had never been born.  Peter fails to keep his word and denies even knowing Jesus.

At that moment in time.. darkness is apparently winning.. but, oh how thankful we are that this is not the end of the story!  Christ will die, but He will rise again! God's plan will fulfill His purpose.. Christ will die, but not in vain.. for this is the price of all mankind's sin.  Christ will rise again.. and this will be a fulfillment of all the Word.. the resurrection testifies of God's greatness and grace.  Jesus is the First and because He lives.. we can too!  Hallelujah!  What a Savior!

"Tell me the old, old story.. that I may take it in.. That wonderful redemption, God's remedy for sin..."

Father in heaven, You sent Your only begotten Son, that His death and resurrection would open the way for our salvation.. for life.  Thank You for saving us through Jesus Christ, the Lord, Who even now intercedes for us at Your right hand. Amazing Grace!  We exalt in You.  We praise Your name.
We seek Your will and Your power to live in faith and to obey Your word. Amen.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Matthew 24-25 The disciples ask Jesus about the future and He answers them in great detail. It is hard to summarize all that He teaches.  But, I want to think about and draw attention to some of these things....

As bad as things are in our country and in the world.. things will get worse:
False messiahs will deceive people more and more.
Wars will continue and escalate.
There will be more disasters - famines and earthquakes.
Christians will be persecuted, hated, and killed in "all nations". (even ours)
Lawlessness will increase.
Love for others will decrease.

The good news is that those who endure to the end will be saved. And the gospel will be preached in the "whole world". 

There will be another "abomination of desolation" in the "Holy place".
There will be a great tribulation for Israel that "has not occurred since the beginning of the world.. "
There will be more "false Christs". 
There will be many deceived.

But, when Christ does return, it will be undeniable.
The sun, moon, and stars will be darkened.
"The sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky." 
The trumpet will sound and the believers will be gathered to the Lord.

Jesus says that we can look for the signs, but more importantly, we need to "be ready". 
Be ready by doing what He has called us to do.. to be faithful servants. 
Be ready by being wise and prepared. 
Be ready by doing well and being faithful stewards of all He has given us. 
Be ready by doing to the "least of these" what we would do for Christ Himself... feeding the hungry, giving water to the thirsty, inviting in the stranger, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and the imprisoned. Doing what is right in the ways of Jesus. 

Father in heaven,  help us to be alert and to keep our eyes open for the signs of Christ's return. But, even more, we pray that You will help us to be faithful in serving You and serving others. Spirit of God fall fresh on us once again, that we will be strengthened by the power of Your might to live lives of humble obedience to our God.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Matthew 23 In this passage, Jesus concisely points out the "leaven" of the scribes and Pharisees.  He is talking to the "multitudes and His disciples.."   This message is for all of us, lest we also be deceived and become guilty of the hypocrisy prevalent in the religious men of that time.

Jesus tells His listeners that they needed to observe the Word - but not to do the deeds of the scribes and Pharisees.  The hypocrisy of the Pharisees was evident:
They placed "heavy loads" on people, but would not help anyone.
They did religious acts to be noticed, not for God.
They wanted to be respected, praised, looked up to, and perhaps even envied.
(All things evident in every false religion.)

This is NOT the will of God, Jesus explains:
Don't even be called Teacher or Rabbi - just be a brother to each other.
Don't be called "father" - the Only Father is God in heaven.
Serve one another.
Be humble, for "whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." 

Jesus lists the hypocritical actions that make the Pharisees and scribes condemned before God:

They keep others from entering into the "kingdom of heaven".  They put stumbling blocks in people's way. They speak lies to deceive others.

They devoured "widow's houses"... even while they were showing off by making long prayers. They hid their sinfulness with pretense.

They traveled far and wide to bring back Jewish converts.. but made them "sons of hell"..

They swore by the temple or by the altar - as things of no value; and did not keep their oaths.
They consider gold or offerings as things of value - making in obligatory to keep an oath.
They had no understanding of God's view on this - the Temple was His dwelling place. It was where the offering was sanctified - set apart for Him. If they swore by heaven, they were actually swearing by His throne, so by Him, for He sits on the throne.  To then fail to keep that oath was to consider God Himself unworthy..

They were careful to consider small tithes -  of  "mint and dill and cumin"; but they failed to do justice or have mercy, or to be faithful - the things that really matter.

They were careful to clean the outside of their cup, but were blind to recognize the filth of their own hearts. They looked perfect on the outside, but were "full of dead men's bones" on the inside.

They thought they were better than their own ancestor's, admitting that they did kill the prophets. But, never realized that their desire to kill Jesus was the same.. and even worse.

The heart of Jesus was deeply burdened for the City of God. He wanted to gather them all to Himself and to cover them with His salvation.  But, they would not receive Him. He saw the coming desolation. And it broke His heart.

Father in heaven, hallowed is Your Name. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done.  Let us hear the Word and be doers of it, to the praise and glory of Your Name. Keep us from the lies of the evil one and of his followers. Light of the World, overcome the darkness and bring Truth, the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Christ to our world today.  We seek to know You more and to love You completely.  Keep us in Your hand.  May we not be stumbling blocks or hypocrites. May we love justice, do mercy, and walk humbly with our God.  In Jesus' name we pray. amen.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Matthew 22  Starting in verse 15,  the Pharisees, Sadducees, and company try to trick Jesus by asking what they think are difficult questions that "might trap Him".  It is clear that they still had no idea who they were dealing with!

At first they send their disciples, their students and a group called the Herodians. These were well-to-do, politically motivated, "religious" leaders.  The question had to do with paying taxes.  Jesus, knowing their "malice", challenged them to think beyond earthly allegiances.  " Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's" He tells them.  Like us sometimes, the focus on earthly values - like power, wealth, and influence - got in the way of thinking about Truth.  If these men had a proper relationship and understanding of Who God is.. they would not have concerned themselves at all with the "things" of Caesar.

The second group, the Sadducees, had a complicated question about the woman who was widowed 7 times by 7 brothers, with no children.  The Sadducees didn't believe in the resurrection, but their question was about what would happen in heaven after the resurrection.  This kind of situation was probably one of the reasons they wouldn't believe that there would be a resurrection.. they couldn't logically reconcile whaat would happen in such a case.  Jesus challenges their thinking, too.
First of all, He tells them, there is no marriage in the resurrection, " but  they are like the angels in heaven." ( This is one of those mysteries we cannot yet comprehend either).
Secondly, God is the God of the living, not of the dead.  "I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.."  God has not changed and He will never change. The Sadducees were silenced at this astonishing answer.

The third group to question Jesus was the Pharisees, with a law expert as their spokesman.  "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?"  This was the perfect question for Jesus.  He wanted them to know this Truth.. " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"  It is interesting to note that neither of these are from the 10 commandments, but that all of the "Law and the Prophets" are summed up with these 2 commands.
There is no reply recorded here. Nothing else could be said.

Jesus had a question of His own for the Pharisees.  He asked them, "What do you think about the Christ, whose son is He?"  They knew the answer - "the son of David".  What they didn't know was how David could call his "son" Lord.  They just refused to hear the truth.

Father in Heaven,  You call us to faith and love and hope in Christ Jesus, the One You have anointed as King of heaven and earth.  Help us to know You more through Your word.  May we grasp the truth of Who You are and that You are of much more value than any earthly position or opinion.  May we know the greatness of Your power and majesty and sovereignty over all the living and the dead.  May we see Your heart, valuing love more than anything else.  May we truly love You will all our hearts and souls and minds.. and love others as we love ourselves.  Jesus is the Lord of all, and we pray in His name. Amen.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Matthew 21-22  Jesus tells two more parables about the Kingdom of God.

The first, in Matthew 21:33-40 is about the landowner who rents out his vineyard.  When he sends his slaves to receive the produce of his vineyard, the vine-growers beat them, stone them, or kill them.  Another, larger group of slaves are sent, and they are also beaten or killed.  Finally, the landowner sends his son, saying, "They will respect my son."   But, the renters, take the son and kill him too, thinking they will steal his inheritance.  Jesus asks his listeners, "Therefore when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those vine-growers?"  The chief priests and Pharisees know the answer.. and they understand that he is talking about them. The "wretches" will come to a "wretched end".  They were supposed to be stewards of God's kingdom, but they desired to have it all for themselves.  Like Satan, they were trying to usurp God's possessions and God's place.

And the part that brings me to tears.. they killed the Son.. how could they think that they could do that?

The second parable is found in Matthew 22:1-14.  Here, the king prepares a feast for the wedding of his son.  The invitations were sent out, but when it came time for the guests to come, they refused!
They were "unwilling".  They "paid no attention and they went their way".   The king declares that "those who were invited were not worthy "; not suitable, not deserving.  On top of that, they mistreated or killed the messengers!  So, the king sent his armies to destroy those evil doers.  Then he sent his slaves to invite as many as they could find on the main highway, and so they did.  Soon, the wedding hall was filled with guests.  However, even then, some were not properly dressed and were cast out.  Jesus concludes with these words, " For many are called but few are chosen." 

God's Kingdom has come and Christ is Lord over it all.  He is the Son who was slain, but He is also the Son who rose again!  The time is coming when the wedding feast will be held.. and only those who respond to the invitation and who come with proper attire.. will enter.  We are not only the invited guests.. we are the Bride of Christ.. Amazing!  We enter the Kingdom by His grace through faith.. accepting the invitation and coming to Him.  And we are dressed in His righteousness.. the only worthy attire!

Father, I love Your Word that reaches into my heart and sings the song of Your great Love and mercy.. filling my soul!  You have called me.. invited.. me. to the wedding feast.. to the Kingdom of heaven .  How amazing!  How wonderful.  Thank You. All glory and honor and praise to God the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Matthew 21  The message of Jesus, that the first will be last and the last first, is realized once again in this next chapter.  The Lord enters Jerusalem on a colt, the "foal of a beast of burden".  ( An amazing example of being "last" )  The multitude cries out, " Hosanna to the Son of David.."  Jesus goes into the temple and chases out the evil doers there.

The "first" - the chief priests and scribes -"became indignant".
But, the "last" - the blind and lame, and the children - "came to Him in the temple". 

Jesus tells another parable.  This one is about the man who has two sons. The "first" one says he will go into the vineyard, but doesn't. The "last" one says he won't go, but repents and obeys.  "Which of the two did the will of his father?"  Jesus asks.  "The latter."  they answer.   "Truly I say to you that the tax-gatherers and harlots will get into the kingdom of God before you. For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him; but the tax-gatherers and the harlots did believe him; and you seeing this, did not even feel remorse afterward so as to believe him. "

The religious leaders, though "first" in their own eyes, would not come to God, would not obey the Word of God, and would finally kill the Son of God.  The "last", the weak and needy, the blind and lame, the humble of heart,  believed John and believed Jesus.  They entered the Kingdom of God and found eternal life in Jesus.

I'm drawn back to Matthew 19:29-34.  Jesus is heading from Jericho to Jerusalem for His final days.
There is a great multitude following Him.  Two blind men, sitting by the road, begin to call out, "Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David."  The crowd tried to quiet them, but they persisted in crying out until Jesus stopped.  "What do you want Me to do for you?"  Jesus said to them. These two men, were "last". They were blind, and they were unseen by the crowd.  Yet, Jesus, answered their request and restored their sight. Now seeing, they "followed Him." 

The Pharisees wanted a sign.
The priests and scribes wanted to know what kind of authority He had.
The crowd wanted a King.
Even the disciples wanted a throne.
But, it was to the "last", the least, the humble, that Jesus said "What do you want Me to do for you?"

In great compassion and kindness, our Savior asks us, too, "What do you want Me to do for you?"

Lord, I want Your Kingdom to come.  I want Your will to be done.  I want to know You more and love You completely. I want to see You, to gaze at You, to fix my eyes on You and let go of all else.
I want to follow You all the days of my life, to dwell in Your presence, to abide in Your Spirit, and to be faithful to the end.  Have mercy on me, Son of David!  Keep me in Your Truth, I pray, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Matthew 20  At the end of chapter 19 Matthew records these words from Jesus, "But many who are first will be last; and the last, first."   Jesus then tells the parable of the laborers in the vineyard.  In verse 16 He again says, "Thus the last shall be first and the first last."  

This statement is significant somehow.. a kingdom principle that we need to grasp.  We need to think about the parable a bit more..

".. the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner.. "  This statement gives us a clear understanding that Jesus is talking about the Truth of how God rules and acts in His Kingdom.

The landowner went out and "hired" workers early in the morning.  These workers "agreed" with him to work the day for a denarius.

He then went out  4 more times... at the 3rd hour, the 6th hour, and the 9th  hour, and finally at the 11th hour.  The difference with these workers was that the landowner did not make a definite agreement with them about their pay,  he just said, " .. whatever is right I will give you."  They went to work,  having faith that the landowner would pay them something.

At the end of the day, the landowner paid all the workers the very same wages that he had agreed to give the first workers. These "first" workers were unhappy that the landowner gave the others as much as they got, for they had worked longer than all the rest.  However, the landowner reminded them that they had agreed to that pay and that he had the right to do whatever he wished with the others. He chose to be generous. They should not be "envious". This word is not the same as we think - it is actually translated from the Greek word "poneros"  meaning evil, hurtful, degenerate, vicious.. wicked. 

The word "last" also needs to be explored. It comes from the Greek word "eschatos" meaning - farthest, final, last, lowest, uttermost.  Not so much last - in time;  but more last as in the furtherest away, the most hopeless, the lowest status.. 

In Luke 13: 30 this phrase is used again, " And behold, some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last."  In this passage Jesus is answering a question, "Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?"   He says, " Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able."   Jesus goes on to say that once the door has been shut.. once the Kingdom has come in its fullness... even those who claim to know Him, but failed to receive Him.. would be unable to enter.  "There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth there when you see Abraham and Isaac, and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but yourselves being cast out." In other words, you cannot be saved unless you enter the narrow door!

Who will come into God's kingdom?  Jesus says, " And they will come from east and west, and from north and south, and will recline at the table in the kingdom of God."  The lowest, the least, the last.. will come... but the "first", those thinking they are the greatest.. will be left behind.

This lesson is reinforced to the disciples when the mother of John and James asks Jesus to give her sons a significant place in His kingdom.  Jesus says that "whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave."  To be like Jesus, our example, we must choose the narrow door.. the road least traveled.. "to serve" not to be served; to give our lives and not try to keep it ourselves. "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.  He who has found his life shall lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake shall find it."  ( Matthew 10:38-39)

Father in heaven, only with You are all things possible. To enter the narrow door... to lay down our lives.. and to dine with You in the Kingdom.. this is our greatest desire and need.  We come as willing slaves, slaves of Jesus Christ.. to lay down our lives and take up our crosses and follow You.  We come by faith and trust that You will do "whatever is right", for You are righteous and good, merciful and just.  Be glorified, Mighty and Gracious God. Thank You for loving us and calling us to be Your own.  In Christ we stand.  Amen.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Matthew 19 The Pharisees try to set another test up for Jesus.  Their question this time involves divorce.  Jesus makes it clear to them that divorce is not God's desire, for He designed marriage to be two people, a man and a woman, united to become one flesh.  God, Himself joins a man and a woman in marriage.  Yet, because of sin,  a certificate of divorce was "permitted".  

Even the disciples were stunned by this truth.  They asked Jesus if it was even wise to marry at all!
Jesus answered that the life of celibacy is not one that is easy to accept.

The disciples were also stunned when Jesus made a statement about the difficulty for " a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."  The teachings and values of their world were so far from God's Word, that the disciples were constantly challenged by what Jesus said.

But, they also learned that when they followed Jesus and gave up everything else, the rewards were great!  The rich young man could not give up his riches.  But, the disciples had given up everything to follow Jesus.  They would one day judge "the twelve tribes of Israel" Jesus told them.  They would have eternal life. As the old song says, "It will be worth it all when we see Jesus!"

The most encouraging words from this passage are found in verse 26,  Jesus said, " With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."   It is hard for the rich to give up their riches.  It is hard for the unhappily married to stay married.  It is hard to give up family and home.. It is hard to follow Jesus.  We are called to lay down our lives and take up our crosses and follow Him.  We must willingly take His yoke.. His love-lined yoke.. and abide in Him. This is the only path to life. He alone has the Words of life and the springs of living water.

Father, all things are possible with You.  We seek You and we yield to You, praying that Your will be done.  Help us, Lord...  Take our lives and let them be.. consecrated all to Thee!  Amen.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Matthew 18    When the disciples ask Jesus "Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"
Jesus, the King, tells His disciples what true greatness really is...

True greatness is having the humility of a child.
True greatness is receiving a child as if he were Christ, Himself.
True greatness is sacrificing everything that is a stumbling block for others or for yourself.
True greatness is understanding that God's will is to save the lost and keep any from perishing.
True greatness is having mercy.. lovingly confronting the sinner, praying for the lost, and forgiving those who are unable to pay back what they owe you.

Heaven sets the standard for forgiveness. Jesus tells the parable of the king who forgave a great debt for his slave. But, when that slave refuses to forgive a small debt from his fellow slave, the king becomes angry and throws the man in prison.  God has forgiven us our great debts - everything that we owe and can never repay.  Yet, we cannot even forgive a petty debt from our brother or sister.

We bind or loosen on earth.. God has given us that ability. We condemn or forgive.  We offer judgement or mercy.  The thing that we must not forget is that what we do here on earth will be done to us in heaven.  "Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy." Ephesians 4:32 "And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."  And James 2:13 "For judgement will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgement." 

Merciful Father, God and King, I come to honor Your name and to worship You today, with praise and thanksgiving. You have given me life through Christ Jesus. You have given me fountains of Living Water by Your Spirit who fills me.  Thank You!  Praise the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me!  Teach me, lead me, fill me and transform me as I surrender myself to You.  I am Your child and I want to be a faithful servant. Your will be done, Lord. To the glory and honor and praise of Your great Name. In the name of  Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Matthew 17  What was the purpose of the transfiguration ?   Why did Jesus only take 3 of His disciples up on the mountain with Him?  And why did Moses and Elijah appear?   I only have questions and no answers from this passage...

Peter, James, and John saw Jesus in His glorified body.  John would once again see Him many years later on the island of Patmos,  the same shining face and the same white garments. The three also heard and understood the voice of the Father proclaiming, " This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him."  You would think that from that moment on these three men would never doubt... or deny Jesus again. But, we know that Peter had a struggle with doubt when Jesus was arrested by the Romans.  John seems to stand firmly until the end and James died early as a martyr.  Three different results from the same vision...

The ability of Moses and Elijah to appear on earth is fascinating.  We know that John writes in Revelation 11 about the "two witnesses" who will come in the last days to prophecy.  Some think that it will again be Moses and Elijah.

This "vision" ties the event on the mountain to the end times written in Revelation.  Jesus said in Matthew 16:28 "Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who shall not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."  Perhaps, He was speaking about John, who would see the full Revelation as he was on that island of Patmos in exile.

I am reminded that the Kingdom of God has come through Jesus Christ and that the full revelation is only a breath away.  As we listen to the news or read the paper, we see that wars and rumors of wars are everywhere.  Evil is filling the hearts of young men in every nation.  Satan and his army are attacking and we must take up the Heavenly armor!

The Truth is that Jesus Christ has all authority over heaven and earth!
It is His Righteousness alone that is acceptable to the Father.
It is the death and resurrection of Jesus that has brought us to peace with our God.
It is His salvation that overcomes!
We must take up our shield of faith.. not the puny faith that cannot accomplish anything.. but the faith that moves mountains and believes that "nothing shall be impossible"!
We also take up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.. we abide in it by hearing what God says and then doing what He commands!

May we also be alert and looking up.. for the coming of Christ is drawing nigh!

Father in heaven,  come and fill us anew, with the power of Your Spirit.  May we live and walk by Your Spirit to the glory of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Matthew 16  Jesus sat on the mountain side by the Sea of Galilee and healed multitudes of lame, crippled, blind, dumb, and needy people. He had fed 5000 with 5 loaves of bread and 4000 with seven loaves. Yet, the Pharisees and Sadducees came to Him and asked for a sign from heaven!

Jesus would not perform for them..  You can read the skies.. He told them, but You can't see the Truth of God's Kingdom!  Evil hearts veil and blind the eyes of those who will not surrender to God.
Worse yet, these unbelievers spread their lies like yeast spreads through the dough.

The disciples were just beginning to figure out Who Jesus really was.  Finally Peter came to the conclusion that Jesus is the "Christ, the Son of the living God."  But, he could not accept that He would die on a cross and be raised again. Jesus, the Supreme Example, would go on to say that
"anyone"  who wanted to follow Him, would have to follow Him to the cross.

The Kingdom of God won't be entered with spectacular miracles.. but with surrendered hearts.  Self-denial.  Willing self-sacrifice. Even to the point of death.  The salvation of one's soul is more valuable than anything that this life can offer.  The disciples were tested on this.. and we are too.  We are constantly challenged by our Lord to lay down our lives and take up our crosses and follow Him.
It is the narrow way that leads to life.
It is the pearl of great price.
It is the Truth of the gospel.
It is the only way to Heaven.

Father, help us!  We are weak, but You are strong.  Strengthen us by Your Spirit that we might live according to Your will. Protect us from the selfish desires of our flesh and from the lies of the evil one. Lead us and move us so that we might walk in the Truth and Righteousness of our Beloved Savior.  In His name we come. Amen.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Matthew 15  When the Pharisees criticized the disciples of Jesus for eating bread before going through the ritual of hand-washing,  Jesus pointed out to them their own transgression, one more serious than a ritual tradition... they deliberately disobeyed the commandment to "Honor your Father and Mother.. "  This reminds me of the lesson Jesus had taught on the Mount.. about the speck in your brother's eye and the plank in your own...

The Pharisees overlooked their sinful actions, excusing themselves in the name of their traditions, while nit-picking about the disciples.   Jesus didn't defend His disciples, but He used the situation to teach them Truth. The food that goes into ones mouth does not defile a man, Jesus explained,  but what comes out of the heart of man is what defiles him.

If the heart is evil, then what comes out of his mouth will be evil - leading to murder, adultery, theft, lies, and slander. The heart is man's problem, not what he eats or doesn't eat, nor what traditions of men that he does or doesn't do. The problem with the Pharisees was that their hearts were far from God.  Jesus called them "blind guides of the blind".  They did not belong to God the Father, and they would be rooted up and thrown into the fire, unless they repented.

Think about this in light of this weekend's tragic headlines... two mass killings- two out of control, evil hearted young men, who have completely lost touch with Truth.  They may never have heard the Word of God, or if they did, they rejected it and were filled with evil spirits.  Our country is sorrowing over these events, but the vast majority will never come to the Truth.. that Jesus alone can change hearts.   Traditions - medicine, laws, police, politicians, or schools, whatever - cannot change evil hearts.
Only Jesus can.

Father in heaven, You have given to us the riches of Jesus Christ. Riches of kindness and forbearance, patience and grace, wisdom and understanding... and we need to walk in Your Spirit and speak Your Truth to our world.  Help us to be bolder.  Help us to be faithful.  Lead us to share the Good News of the Kingdom. Open blind eyes and transform deceived souls, Lord.  May Your Kingdom come to our world today. Come Lord Jesus!  Amen.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Matthew 14  Three significant events are recorded here:

1 The death of John the Baptist.
2 The feeding of the 5000.
3 Jesus walking on the water and Peter getting out of the boat.

Jesus had little time to mourn the death of His beloved cousin John.  The multitude was relentless and came after Him.  Their needs were great and Jesus alone could meet their greatest needs.  They came for healing and received it.  They needed food, and He miraculously provided it.

Jesus sent the disciples away and then sent the crowd away.  He finally had time alone to go up into the mountain to pray.  He then walked upon the waters, in a stormy sea, to help His disciples.  The Truth of WHO Jesus is was manifested to His disciples in a way that was so undeniable!   Peter took a step of faith, walking on the water.. but his doubts followed him closely..  Isn't that just like us?

We take a small step of faith.. but allow doubts to almost sink us, too.  Hopefully we have learned to do what Peter did.. cry out "Lord, save me!".  Is our immediate response like that of Peter?   May we learn this Truth!  When Peter and Jesus got in the boat together... "the wind stopped".  And everyone in the boat "worshiped Him.."   It is often in the storms of life that we learn that Jesus is right there.. He may be outside the boat, but He will call us to Himself and when we step out in faith, He will catch us.. even if our faith is little and our doubts are sinking us.   May we find that when Jesus gets in the boat with us.. the storm is calmed.. Let us abide in Him!

Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth, Son of God, and Gracious Savior,  we worship You.  It is in You, Christ Jesus, that we come to the throne of Grace to seek help in our neediness.  Father, we come to ask for Your Kingdom to come in power and glory.  We seek Your Kingdom and Your righteousness and rest in all that You alone can provide.  You know our every need.  You know the healing touch we need, the provision of food for each day.. spiritually and physically.  We ask for Your blessing.
We seek to walk in Your Spirit and to abide in You always.  Forgive every sin and cleanse us again, for You are our faithful Redeemer.  We forgive any and all who have sinned against us.  Deliver us from our self-centered ways and desires and from the lies of the enemy.  For it is in Christ's name we pray . Amen.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Matthew 13  Jesus uses parables to describe for us what the kingdom of God is really like...

It is like a mustard seed that is comparatively small but grows into a great tree which is larger than other plants in a garden.

It is like leaven.. which is small, but when it is mixed with meal, changes the whole composition.

It is like a hidden treasure that when found, is worth more than everything else you own.

It is like a valuable pearl, again, worth selling everything else to purchase it.

And, it is like a dragnet, when filled to the full, is evaluated.. the good fish kept and the bad ones thrown out.

Knowing these things, Jesus says, "..every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, who brings forth out of his treasure things new and old." 

Jesus preached that we need to "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; " ( Matthew 6:33)
And He said, "He who has ears, let him hear." ( 13:43)

As disciples of Jesus, we know that there is nothing worth more than His reign and rule in our lives.  He has invited us to "Come" and He offers His "yoke", lined with love.  He rules with glory and power and majesty.  His commands are perfect and His will is always for our good.

We may understand that the kingdom in us is relatively small, but do we recognize that He is making His Kingdom grow and flourish in us?  Do we realize that we "leaven" the world around us? Are we willing to give up everything.. all those things that are fleeting and will pass away.. for the ONE thing that is eternal.. His Kingdom?  Do we acknowledge that we are all subject to His evaluation.. and that only those who are true.. will be saved in the end?

Father in heaven, Maker of heaven and earth, we love You and desire to walk in Your Light and to love as You have loved us.  Fill us with Your Spirit and Your Word.  Give us strength and grace to walk this day in Your paths that we might glorify Your Name.  Amen.