Monday, July 4, 2016

Psalm 9 " I will give thanks to the Lord with all of my heart; I will tell of all Thy wonders." ( v1)

Thank You Lord, that You are perfectly just.
Thank You for maintaining just causes.
Thank You for judging righteously.
Thank You for rebuking nations and destroying wicked men.
Thank You for stopping enemies and uprooting evil.

Thank You for revealing Yourself to us.
Thank You for showing us Your glory and You eternal abiding presence.
Thank You for giving us hope in You, who rules sovereignly and will execute righteous judgement.
Thank You for being the stronghold for the oppressed.
Thank You for being faithful to those who put their trust in You.
Thank You for never forsaking us who seek You.

Thank You for hearing the cry of the afflicted.
Thank You for being gracious to us, to me.

I rejoice in Your salvation, my Lord and my God.
I praise Your Name, O Most High.
I sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion.
You have made Yourself known.
You have executed judgement.
You have remembered the needy.
You have trapped the wicked in their own traps.
You will not allow man to prevail.
You will judge the nations.

" Put them in fear, O Lord; Let the nations know that they are but men,"

I will give thanks to the Lord with all of my heart!  Amen!

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