Thursday, July 21, 2016

Psalm 22  How did it come about that David wrote these words?  What anguish was he facing that made him feel that God was forsaking him?  Jesus cried out these words on the cross.... and we recognize His anguish,  but we do not know what the circumstances were when David first penned these lines.  Yet ,  he must have felt the same stark emotions, either in his reality or in his spirit, right?

Don't we all?  At some time in our lives.. whether caused by our own mistakes or by circumstances outside of our control.. we feel abandoned.  Our prayers are unanswered and we are weary but unable to rest.  Like David.

Yet, David turns from his sighing and turns to praise:

" Yet, Thou art holy. 
O Thou who art enthroned upon the praises of Israel.
In Thee our fathers trusted;
They trusted and Thou didst deliver them. 
To Thee they cried out , and they were delivered.
In Thee they trusted, and were not disappointed." ( v3-5)

In spite of how we feel about ourselves and in spite of how others treat us, sneering and saying, "Commit yourself to the Lord; let Him deliver him; let Him rescue him, because He delights in him." This is actually not bad advice...

For we also are brought forth from our mother's by Him and for Him.
We are also surrounded by enemies and yet not overcome.. for God is our Savior!
He does not despise us.
He does not hide Himself from us. 
He does hear our cries. 
We will find satisfaction in Him!

So praise Him!
Tell His Name to your brothers!
Praise Him in the assembly.
Glorify Him.
Stand in awe of Him.
Pay your vows to Him.
Seek Him and praise Him.
Worship and declare His righteousness.
Serve Him and declare His greatness to the next generation.

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