Thursday, July 14, 2016

Psalm 18 David praises and thanks the Lord for all He has done for him. We are instructed to remember and declare the mighty acts of God and to praise Him.  David practices this in the psalms he wrote.  This one is a good example of that and gives us words to speak .

We love You , Lord for You are:

our strength
our rock
our fortress
our deliverer
our refuge
our shield
the horn of our salvation and our stronghold.  You are worthy to be praised.

We call on You in our distress and You hear us.
You shake the earth, You bow the heavens, You come down to us.
You conquer darkness.  You bring Light.
You speak the thunder.  You scatter the lightning.
You lay bear the foundations of the world.

You draw us out of the waters.
You deliver us from the enemy.
You are our stay.
You  bring us to safety.
You rescue us.

You reward us according to our righteousness.
You recompense us for the cleanness of our hands.
You see when we have kept Your ways.
You see our efforts to flee sin and remain blameless.

You show Yourself kind to the kind.
You show Yourself blameless to the blameless.
You show Yourself pure to the pure.
You show Yourself astute to the crooked.

You save those who are afflicted.
You illumine our darkness.

Your way is blameless.
Your word is perfect.
You are a shield to those who run to You.
You are a rock.
You gird us with strength.
You make us blameless.
You set us on high places.
You train us for battle.
You give us a shield of salvation.
You hold us in Your right hand.
Your gentleness makes us great.
You enlarge our steps.
You keep our feet from slipping.
You gird us with strength for the battle.
You subdue the enemy.
You deliver us from contention.

"The Lord lives and blessed be the rock; and exalted be the God of my salvation..."
I give You thanks!
I   will sing praises to Your Name.
It is by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ the Lord that we can pray these words,

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