Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Psalm 24  " The earth is the LORD's , and all it contains, the world and those who dwell in it." 

The earth - every mountain, every ocean, every nation, every city, every rock..
" all it contains" - all the gold, all the plants, all the animals, everything is His!
" those who dwell in it"  are His - Christian, Jew, Muslim, atheist,  all are His!

He created it all.  He sustains it all. He was there in the beginning and will be there at the end.... and beyond.

But, who can "ascend into the hill of the Lord"?   Only those with "clean hands and a pure heart". 
Those who live by the truth... " who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood"; 
Those "who seek Him, who seek Thy face". 

The "King of glory" ; " the  Lord, mighty in battle";  the "Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory."

This is who we serve.  This is Whose Spirit dwells in us.  This is our God.

We are His Body, when we have believed on the Name of Jesus Christ and have been reborn by His Spirit.

Look at your hands... they are His.  Are they clean?  Oh, may we have clean hands, Your hands, Jesus.

Look at your heart.. is it pure? Cleansed from all falsehood?  Are you seeking Him alone?  Do you love Him with all your heart and soul and strength ?

Only, by the blood of Jesus and His redemption do we have any hope of salvation... for "He shall receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation." 

King of glory, come in!  Come into our hearts and thoughts and deliver us from all that things that keep us from having clean hands and pure hearts!  May we repent and truly turn away from all unrighteousness.  May we be filled by Your Spirit. We belong to You alone. Keep us in Your hands we pray, in the Name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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