Friday, July 29, 2016

Psalm 27  I have looked at this psalm many times, analyzed it, meditated on it... now I simply want to pray it...

Lord, You are my light - the radiance that fills my heart and shines on me.
You are my salvation - spiritually, physically, emotionally , relationally , so I do not need to fear.  Thank You!
No matter who comes against me, or against Your church, they will fail.  They will stumble.  For You are God alone and we can stand in full assurance of Your salvation.

I seek to dwell with You.  To abide in You always. I want to behold Your beauty, to hide in Your secret place.  I will sing and offer praises to You.  When I cry out to You,You hear me and are gracious to me.  When You ask me to seek Your face, I will... I do.... I am even now seeking Your face.

Please do not hide from me, do not abandon me or forsake me, even when I falter or fail.. but take me up and teach me Your ways.  Lead me in Your path. Deliver me from evil ones.  

I do not despair , even in these days of political unrest , immorality , and rebellion... for I know that You are good and we will always see Your goodness overcome evil and Your Light overcome darkness.  I will wait for You Lord.  I will be strong and take courage in You.  Yes, we, Your church will wait for You!


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