Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Psalm 8  " O Lord ( Yahweh) our Lord ( Adoni),  How majestic is Your Name in all the earth."

The self-existent One who reveals Himself, our Sovereign ruler, our Master - Your name is majestic - large, powerful, excellent, famous, gallant, glorious, noble, worthy, mighty!

You have "displayed Thy splendor above the heavens". 
You have "established strength " from the mouths of children.

Lord, we consider all of Your creation and wonder at the vastness of it all... the moon and the stars that You have placed in the heavens, securely and purposely... and it makes us wonder why You even think of us.

Yet, You sent Your Son, making Him like us, and have crowned Him with "glory and majesty". 
He rules "over the works of Your hands."
You have put "all things under his feet". 

Lord God, our Father,  Your name is majestic!  There is no other name that is as powerful, or noble.  There is no other name that is excellent or worthy . Help us to keep our eyes on You. To always consider the works of Your hands and the grace of You love.  You have chosen to save us.  You have chosen to redeem us and to adopt us, to make us holy as You are holy.  We are in awe of that truth!
Keep us in that wonder and awe, even as we walk in this weary land.  We pray this is the majestic Name of Jesus our Lord, amen.

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