Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Psalm 10  The wicked :
pursue the afflicted;
boast of their desires;
curses the Lord;
thinks that there is no God;
snorts at his adversaries;
believes himself unmovable;
is full of curses and deceit;
speaks mischief and wickedness;
kills the innocent;
spies on the unfortunate;
lurks in dark places;
believes that God can't see him..

But, Lord, You do see him. And Your judgements are righteous.  You will break the arm of those who do evil. You are "King forever and ever"!  You make nations perish.  You hear the cry of the humble.
You strengthen our hearts.  You vindicate the oppressed.  You stop the terrorists.

"Arise, O Lord; O God, lift up Thy hand.  Do not forget the afflicted."

Father,  You are God and Your nature is love.  You see the wickedness on this planet and You will judge rightly.  You see those who are suffering and those who live in constant fear of suicide bombers and hate-filled terrorists.  You see the hearts of us all.  Mighty God, have mercy on us.  Bring people to Your Son, to know the truth.  Open blind eyes and break hardened hearts. Bring repentance to our world.  You are mighty to save and Your grace is sufficient.  Thank You for the assurance of Your perfect plan and wonderful hope in Christ our Lord, Amen.

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