Friday, July 22, 2016

Psalm 23  The Shepherd's song....

Lord, You are my shepherd - my "ra'ah"  - You tend Your flock, You are the ruler;  You are my friend and companion, You are the keeper of Your sheep.

Because of Your constant care and attention, I do not lack anything.

You bring to the green pastures, where I can receive not only  food, but undisturbed rest so that I can gain health, secure in Your Presence.

You lead me to still water, where my thirst is met, and I am content.

You restore my soul... ministering to me when I am in need, lifting me up when I stumble and fall.

You guide me in the right paths, so that I stay safe and strong in Your ways.

You take me through the valleys, never forsaking me, so that we can go up onto the mountain heights together.

Your Presence takes away fear.
Your rod and staff are the symbols of Your authority over all of creation, and this comforts me.
You see the enemies and deal with them so that I can enjoy Your blessings even in their presence.

You anoint me with Your oil... healing and protecting me... always aware of my frailness.

"My cup overflows." I am satisfied and content.. and grateful for Your provision and care for me.

Your goodness and love follow me, pursue me, chase me, "dog" me... Keeping me within the boundaries You have chosen for me.

I belong to You for now and forever.  I will dwell with You eternally.
Bless Your Holy Name.

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