Monday, July 18, 2016

Psalm 19  Love this psalm!   God speaks to us through His creation... if we just listen!
The heavens declare His glory.
"Their expanse" declares "the work of His hands."  The beauty and the greatness of the universe, so far beyond man's comprehension, let alone his grasp... reveal to us the greatness of our God.  His Word tells us here that we can gain knowledge, unveiled to us from day to day and night to night.
We just have to listen...

As the sun rises and travels across the sky to set once again, it proclaims to us God's faithfulness, power, and glory. Nothing hides from its heat, verse 6 tells us.  All of life is affected by this one tiny star, one of thousands in God's creation.

Yet, even greater things are given to us... for God speaks to us through His law.
His law is "perfect "  - without blemish, complete, unspoiled Truth.
It is able to restore the soul - To bring us back home -
It is able to make us wise
It can make our hearts rejoice - for it is right.
It can enlighten our eyes - for it is pure.
It endures forever.
It is true and righteous.
It is desirable... more than the finest gold or the sweetest honey.

The Word of God gives man warning and hope.  It warns us of the consequences for not keeping His Word and the reward for keeping it.

Like David, we cannot even discern our own errors until the Lord opens our eyes.  Lord, "acquit me of hidden faults... keep ( me) back from presumptuous sins"  O thank You Lord for the salvation through Jesus Christ, Who shed His blood, to pay the penalty for all our sins.

"Let the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. " 

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