Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Psalm 21  Exalt the Lord and sing praises to Him for He:

Makes us glad in His strength
Gives us joy in His salvation
Blesses us with our heart's desires
Answers our prayers
Meets us "with blessings of good things"
Crowns us with golden crowns
Graces us with real life
Reveals His glory through His great salvation, His splendor and majesty in His Presence

He is the One who blesses us, makes us joyful and glad in His presence.
He is trustworthy and loving towards us.
He deals justly with the enemy.
He destroys the wickedness.
He causes evil plots to fail.

Yes, be exalted Lord!  Praise to You, God Almighty!

Father, our strength is little, but You are strong, stronger than everything and everyone!  You alone can save us from sin and death, and we rejoice that You have chosen to do just that by Your grace and mercy. Thank You.  Then You go beyond that and hear our heart's desires, our petitions, and our pleas for help... and You give us even more blessings.  You love us and grant us entrance into Your Presence. Oh may we grasp the wonder of Your love freely offered to us.. Be exalted O Lord! Amen.

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