Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Psalm 11  " In the Lord I take refuge...."  David says,  and we know that was true for him.  Is it true for me?  Do I flee to Him for protections?  Do I confide in Him?  Do I have hope in Him?

When the world tells us to hide...when they are prepared to shoot us down or shoot at us.. when they want to destroy the foundations on which we live... do we trust God?

" The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven; His eyes behold,  His eyelids test the sons of men.  The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked, and the one who loves violence His soul hates. Upon the wicked He will rain snares; fire and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup.  For the Lord is righteous; He loves righteousness; The upright will behold His face."

Todays newspaper tells of lying politicians, violent attacks, and threatening nations... But we have a God who loves us.  Who justifies those who believe in Jesus..

  Lord, I turn to You and seek You!  You never change.  Your plans and purposes will be completed.  I turn to You for refuge and for hope.  I will trust You for my life, my family, and my church.  There is no other God that abides in heaven and sits on the throne.  You alone see our hearts and know our needs.  Thank You for the gift of righteousness through Christ the Lord.  For I hold to the truth that I will behold Your face. O glorious thought.  amen.

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