Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Psalm 29  "Ascribe to the Lord, O sons of the mighty, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength . Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His Name; Worship the Lord in Holy array." ( v1-2)

When we "ascribe" apply or appoint or assign a particular attribute to someone or something.  Here, David tells us to apply "glory and strength" to the Lord.  He then gives us a list of His works that demonstrate His worthiness of that application:

The Lord's voice is over the waters.
His glory "thunders".
His voice is powerful and majestic.
It breaks cedars,
It makes mountains "skip";
It cuts the skies like lightning;
It shakes deserts;
It makes animals deliver their babies;
It strips the forests bare.

The Lord is the "King forever".
Every part of nature testifies this truth.
And this same Lord "will give strength to His people"and "bless His people with peace".

Here is our motivation and inspiration for true worship - the glory and strength of our God!

Father, help me to have ears to hear Your powerful and glorious voice!  May I remember to apply, to ascribe to You the glory due Your Name.  May I take time every day to praise and worship You with my whole heart and soul and mind..  For You are King forever, worthy of all praise, full of glory and strength . Amen.

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