Monday, September 2, 2013

Psalm 119:145-152  The psalmist's prayer becomes my own.  I cry to You...
"answer me, O Lord!" v145
"save me" v 146
"help" v147
"Hear my voice" v149
"Revive me" v149
And like the psalmist, I come to know, "Thou art  near, O Lord" v151
He seeks You with his heart,  he rises up early, he waits eagerly for Your Word.  He turns his eyes to You through the night, he rests in Your lovingkindness. You are the source of all life.  You are the pearl of great price.  May I seek You as the psalmist did.  With whole heart, with eager anticipation, with everything I have and am.  You alone.  Amen

II Peter 1:16-21  Peter testifies of the Truth, the "true knowledge" of Jesus Christ, through Whom we have been given "everything pertaining to life and godliness".  The "precious and magnificent promises" that enable us to partake "of the divine nature".   Peter makes known to his readers and to us "the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ".   He witnessed Christ's majesty.  He witnessed the honor and glory bestowed on Jesus from the "Majestic Glory".  He heard it with his own ears.  He was on the holy mountain.
Be diligent, be careful, pay close personal attention to the Truth.  Be established in it.  Pay attention!
"as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts."
Some will come with lies and deception.  You must have His Word, You must have Jesus only.

Jesus, be my everything. Oh Morning Star, arise in my heart.  I am seeking You, I am eagerly anticipating You. And You are near.
He is here. Hallelujah!
He is here, Amen!
He is here, glory, glory!
I will bless Your Name again!
He is here, listen closely,
He is calling out your name,
He is here, you can touch Him,
You will never be the same!

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