Saturday, September 28, 2013

Psalm 104  This is a continuing meditation upon the "splendor and majesty" of The Lord.
  Verses 3-4 talk about the heavens, the atmosphere that surrounds the earth, that which we can see and feel.  Clouds and wind and rain and lightning.
 " He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters."  The psalmist pictures God as a builder.  His chambers, His 2nd story room, is built on top of our atmosphere. He is above, but close by us.  His majesty is seen in the sky around us. Beautiful, essential, and awe-inspiring.
 "He makes the clouds His chariot."  What we see when we look up into the sky at fluffy white clouds or stormy gray covering are in reality God's instruments. He moves them at His will. At my church we love to sing the song  where the chorus begins, "Here He comes, riding on the clouds, shining like the sun..." speaking of the return of Jesus our King.  It is a powerful image of our wonderful Savior.
 " He walks upon the wings of the wind." The word "wind" is in Hebrew "ruwach".  It means breath or spirit.  Jesus tells us in John 3:8 "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." The wind is not something we can fully understand or control. Yet it is a stepping stone for God.  This again reveals His holiness, His "set apart-ness" , high above and wholly different than us.
 " He makes the winds His messengers and flaming fire His ministers."  Wind and fire. Essentials for life. Air and energy. These are God's messengers - His angels, ambassadors, prophets, priests, or teachers.   His ministers - His attendants, His servants.  They are under His command.
Our Father, Who is in Heaven, Your Name IS Holy.  Help us to comprehend more fully what that means.  May Your Name be honored and praised as You deserve. May we look up into the sky today and be awed by these Truths! Air and water, wind and fire, these are Your instruments, Your possessions. You provide them by Your goodness and grace. You send them to the righteous and the wicked. No life is possible except by Your command.  Our very next breath is dependent on Your command.  Almighty God, we worship You!  We are thankful and amazed at Your intimate, vital work in our lives. Moment by moment we are kept in Your love. Moment by moment we have life from above. "Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine; Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine."

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