Friday, September 27, 2013

Psalm 104  This psalm is a meditation on the splendor and majesty of our Lord God.  Meditation is both contemplating and uttering,  thinking about and talking about something.  In this case it is meditating on the greatness of God's beauty and glory, His excellency and honor, His goodness and magnificence.  Psalm 145:5 says "On the glorious splendor of Thy majesty, and on Thy wonderful works I will meditate."  This psalm shows David doing exactly that. It is a valuable thing to do! It is God's desire that we do it!  So, I will slow down, take a bite, and chew on these truths.  This is how God has revealed Himself to us - this is how we actually come to KNOW Him!
v1b-2 - God is "very great",  He is clothed in "splendor and majesty",  He covers Himself "with light as with a cloak" and He stretches out "heaven like a tent curtain."
This is our God.  The sun receives its brightness from the Word of His mouth. All light was created by Him and for Him. Light is vital to us, we cannot have life without it. Elementary students learn that before there can be plants or animals, there must be sunlight. Jesus is the Light of the world, He tells us. "God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all." James reminds us.  In the creation account in Genesis we learn that in the beginning the earth was formless, void, and dark at first, but then, "God said, Let there be light, and there was light."  God gives the world light.  He gives to us from His own nature, His own covering.  Contemplate that. Remember that. Think about just that one fact and it brings us to bow before Him to worship Him. Bless The Lord, O my soul!  Lord, my God, You are very great!
All of the heavens, all the universe, the end of which no man can tell, has been stretched out by You, O God!  Let us be mindful of that! Let us meditate on Your splendor and majesty! Open our eyes and hearts to be filled with awe of Your glory. Praise the LORD!
Revelation 4 is a perfect companion to Psalm 104!  John sees a door open in heaven and a voice invites him to come up! Here is his first glimpse of Heaven! No pearly gate, no loved ones, not even Peter waiting to greet him.  No, John's eyes are drawn to the most glorious Presence - to the "One sitting on the throne."  He is like jasper and sardius, a rainbow with emeralds, lightning flashing all around Him. Light and Beauty.  The jasper is thought to be like a diamond, clear and sparkling. The sardius is thought to be bright red.  Color glowing, reflecting off the crystal sea that is before the throne.  The 7 lamps of fire, are also burning there before the throne.  Light is everywhere! It so overwhelms the angels, the living creatures, and the 24 elders that they continually fall down before the throne and worship! "Worthy art Thou, our Lord and our God, To receive glory and honor and power; For Thou didst create all things, And because of Thy will they existed and were created." v 11.  " Holy, holy, holy is The Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come!"(v8).  Meditate on the splendor and majesty of God! Think about it and talk about it!
I will extol You and bless Your holy Name! May Your Name be hallowed, made Holy, today!

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